Lee Hardy on Housing, Justice, and Worship
Completing a grant project on faith communities and affordable housing convinced Lee Hardy that justice and worship are internally linked. That’s why he says worship services should include housing justice, and Christians and congregations should advocate to change unjust systems.
Terry M. Wildman on First Nations Version New Testament
In the new First Nations Version of the New Testament, Terry M. Wildman translates the good news about Jesus, Creator Sets Free, into cadences and concepts that resonate with indigenous First Nations people.
Reflections on Online Sacraments
Both before and after the onset of COVID-19, Christian congregations around the world have been exploring the prospects and constraints involved in engaging the Lord's Supper/Eucharist and baptism online--inviting participation either through watching a celebration or participating as a communicant, prayer leader, baptismal sponsor, or in some other way.
John A. Azumah on Fostering Respect between Muslims and Christians
John A. Azumah grew up in a family that practiced traditional African religions and Islam. He became a Christian in high school and has dedicated his life and scholarship to building bridges between Muslims and Christians, especially in Africa.
Resources for "Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God"
An index of resources for the songs that are found in "Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God."
Performing Sermons <i>Latinamente</i>
Jared E. Alcántara, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, and Lis Valle explore how their shared Latinx identity shapes the way they preach. They define the sermon performed latinamente as an improvisational, interactive, and transformative event embodied in community.
10 Ideas to Continue the Learning from the Calvin Symposium on Worship
Consider one or more of these ideas to extend the learning from the online Symposium on Worship all year long.
Victoria White on Inclusion in Circles of Congregations
All Belong will keep helping congregations become welcoming communities for people of all abilities, especially through its innovative Circle of Congregations for Teaching and Learning program.
J. Todd Billings on Embracing Our Mortality
Unless we are very ill or old, many of us avoid thinking about our deaths. J. Todd Billings’s new book, The End of the Christian Life, explains that remembering our mortality and learning to die well will give us a more profound view of true Christian resurrection hope.
Creation’s Sabbath
Economic lockdowns and pauses during the coronavirus pandemic offer glimpses of a renewed world. Despite COVID-19’s horrific effects, Christians can choose to reframe their lives in light of the sabbath rest that God intends for all creation.
Six Earthkeeping Conversation Tips
Since Christians disagree on climate change, you may think it’s best to agree to disagree. But these six tips can help you find common ground for taking positive action. It all starts with conversation.
Psalm 18: Mi salvador / My Savior
Esta interpretación del salmo 18 fue presentada por Andrea Armoa. Plasma un momento tormentoso donde Dios acude en nuestra ayuda. / This interpretation of Psalm 18 was presented by Andrea Armoa. It depicts a stormy moment where God comes to our aid.