The Lord Is My Shepherd: A Celebration of Psalm 23 Vespers Service (Session 2)
The Lord Is My Shepherd: A Celebration of Psalm 23 was a vesper service at the 2012 Calvin Symposium on Worship, led by hymn-writer Rev. John Bell.
The Pastoral Resources of the Psalms
Drawing on the breadth of expression in the Psalms, we will identify how in private pastoral encounters as in public worship arenas the psalms—spoken or sung—can minister to our deepest needs and potentials.
Worship Service: Psalm 1
This service of Psalm 1, Jesus Knows the Way of the Righteous, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2012. The liturgy and music was led by students from Calvin College with Mary Hulst preaching.
Shaped by the Psalms
The Psalms offer us language to express gratitude, lament, confession, and praise in worship. Worship Renewal Grant recipients will describe how they studied and prayed the Psalms to help children and adults understand how the psalms help shape the ways we speak to God and to one another through words, music and the arts.
Worship Service: Psalm 8
This service of Psalm 8, Who Are You? Who Are We?, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2012. The music was led by Isaac Wardell, liturgy by Aminah Bradford, and preaching by Mark Labberton.
The Psalm Project in Concert
A free concert at the Calvin Chapel, this prelude to the 2012 Calvin Symposium on Worship featured The Psalm Project, a group of musicians from the Netherlands who have taken Genevan Psalm tunes from the 1500s and updated them with arrangements for piano, guitar, and strings.
Joyce Borger on Psalm Singing History
Joyce Borger is worship and music editor for Faith Alive Christian Resources and editor of the quarterly journal Reformed Worship. In this conversation, Borger discusses the history of Psalm singing, and how she talks to Christians who have no history of singing Psalms in worship about trying it.
Joel Schoon-Tanis on Painting "Pa-Salms"
Joel Schoon-Tanis talks about his painting “Pa-Salms,” which he created especially for the Psalms art exhibit at the Calvin Symposium on Worship.
David Van Biema on Why the Psalms Matter
David Van Biema left his job as chief religion writer at TIME Magazine to work on a forthcoming book about the Psalms for Simon & Schuster. He gave this interview while visiting Calvin College in September 2011.
Martin Tel on Psalms for all Seasons
Martin Tel is C. F. Seabrook Director of Music at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. Here he talks about the forthcoming Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship, which is one of the most comprehensive resources ever published on using the Psalms in Christian worship. Tel collaborated with Joyce Borger and John D. Witvliet on this psalter.
Psalms in Worship
The Psalms are a font of inspiration, encouragement, and instruction in the life of both public and private prayer.
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: The Transformer's Instruments
God’s Word teaches that the Spirit employs four principal means for shaping Christians: Scripture, the sacraments, a person’s life experiences, and time.