
The Good News for the Hurting

A Service of Scripture and Song. Led by the choir and organ, this service of scripture and song surrounds a few Isaiah texts, bring good news for a hurting world.

April 13, 2016 | 49 min video

Cory Willson on Inhabiting the Liturgy

Maybe you feel like a bad Christian when you catch yourself thinking about work or weekday concerns during corporate worship. But doing so can help you worship more deeply and faithfully.

March 21, 2016
Worship Resources for Radical Hospitality

Scripture models well for us how to speak about immigration in worship. Together, with Abraham, Jesus, and the early church, we can model radical hospitality, we can lament the pain of leaving and the pain of the journey, we can witness God's faithfulness to the refugees and migrants in the past, and together, united as the body of Christ, we can seek responses that reflect God's heart. Ultimately, we can look forward with hope, knowing that our "citizenship is in heaven."

March 14, 2016 | 15 min read

Psalms From the Soul

Explore musical settings of the biblical Psalms shaped by a black gospel idiom, the power of call-and-response approaches to singing, and a deep commitment to engage the full congregation in singing as prompted by soloists or choirs.

March 2, 2016
Joy-Elizabeth Lawrence on Choral Bible Reading

Assigning different voices to different phrases can be an effective way to convey meaning in public scripture reading. This is known variously as choral reading, scripted scripture and enacted scripture.

January 12, 2016

Reading in Worship from the Book We Love

Even Christians who profess to love the Bible sometimes zone out when scripture is read aloud in public worship. Here is help for readers, worship planners and the congregation to experience the living Word.

January 12, 2016