Symposium 2008 - Blended Worship: Good for the Body
The best argument for blended worship is that the body of Christ by definition is itself blended - therefore our services should reflect that reality.
Good Taste, Bad Taste, and Christian Taste
Talk about worship aesthetics need not polarize people. Frank Burch Brown tells how to be more inclusive in arts and worship, yet also more discerning. A feature story exploring the idea of "taste" and aesthetics in Christian Worship.
Connecting Disconnected Young People through Worship
This interactive seminar explored the cultural forces shaping teenagers' attitudes towards life as well as current research on teenage spirituality, in order to help think strategically about connecting young people with the Christian faith through worship.
Culturally Diverse and Holistic Worship
Worship throughout scripture and history is culturally diverse, not monolithic, reflecting the diversity of God and his creation. True biblical worship is also holistic, involving the soul, the mind, and the body. This workshop explored the culturally diverse and holistic nature of worship, with reference especially to African American, Caribbean, and Hispanic worship.
Gender Issues in Worship
Does gender ever enter into what we do in worship? Is it possible that men and women might bring different things to the worship experience? If so, how can our worship reflect the fullness of who we are as male and female created in God's image? This workshop explored these questions.
Accessibility in Worship Architecture: Does your church welcome everyone?
Becoming an accessible church involves far more than installing a wheelchair entrance. It includes making design choices so anyone can access the platform and lead worship. A feature story exploring accessibility in churches.
Robert Nickola on designing equal access churches
“As religious architects, we have the ability to be holistic and think of the entire church population from Day One,” says Robert “Bob” Nickola, senior principal of Jaeger, Nickola & Associates in metro Chicago.
Hábitos verticales: La iglesia misional y la adoración
“Hábitos verticales” es un proyecto que explora cómo el uso de un lenguaje relacional saludable puede transformar nuestros cultos y nuestras vidas.
Visual Arts in Worship: From either/or to both/and
What defines you? Is it what you know and do...or what you see and love? Your answer likely affects how you see the role of visual arts in worship. A feature story exploring more inclusive use of Visual Arts in Worship
All God's Children Have Gifts: Disability and worship
How do you recognize each other's gifts and support each other's needs while avoiding a "you're not like us"? attitude? A feature story exploring ways to be inclusive in worship and make room for those with or without special needs.
Helping People Include People with Disabilities
This workshop provided practical ideas for including persons with disabilities in Sunday School classes, youth groups, and adult small groups, based on the speaker's book of the same title.
Baptism: A Sacrament for the Whole Congregation
This session drew upon biblical passages and confessional and liturgical texts from the Reformed tradition to demonstrate how Christian baptism is a communal, not an individual, sacrament.