
Knowing Our Limits: Job's Wisdom on Worship

This session explored what the book of Job teaches about the meaning and spiritual significance of worship, and offered worshipers both theological insights and some evocative poetic images to guide their approach to worship.

January 1, 2007
How Prison Ministry Is Transforming the Church and Its Worship

The church is engaging in ministry to prisoners as never before. It has become evident that prison ministry is having a profound impact upon the life of the church and that the principles of Restorative Justice are not only for offenders and victims, but for anyone to live all of life as worship.

January 1, 2007
Symposium 2007 - The Glory of God and Faithful Worship

This session delved more deeply into the conference worship theme by probing key scriptural texts on the theme of divine glory, reviewing contributions of influential theological texts, and then exploring the pastoral dimensions of weaving this luminous theme into everyday ministry back home.

January 1, 2007

Miroslav Volf: Religious commitment that promotes peace, not violence

Miroslav Volf knows how difficult reconciliation can be. His books speak of Religious commitment that promotes peace, not violence. A feature story exploring new ways to think about worship and living as Christians in a violent world.

November 28, 2006
How Ordinary Christians Practice Forgiveness and Reconciliation

You might wonder how a reconciliation focus would change council meetings or congregational conflicts. This article looks at responses to Miroslav Volf's books.

November 28, 2006
How to Choose a Bible Commentary

There are so many Bible commentaries available in English that it can be hard to know how to choose. A single commentary may cover the whole Bible, one of the testaments, a section of the Bible, a book of the Bible, or just part of a book of the Bible.

September 29, 2006

Frederick Dale Bruner: Moving from text to sermon

Good preachers study commentators so they can draw on collective wisdom as they prepare sermons. Frederick Dale Bruner's Matthew commentaries set a high standard. A feature story exploring the commentaries of Dale Bruner and moving from a text to a sermon.

September 29, 2006
How Worship Service Structure Reveals Theology

The way you structure a worship service is important, in large part, because the structure reveals your theology. This is true whether or not you’ve thought about your worship’s theological revelations.

August 18, 2006
Profile: Ron Rienstra on Planning Contemporary Worship

While directing student-planned and -led worship services at Calvin College and Fuller Theological Seminary, or while leading worship workshops, Ron Rienstra has sometimes met “worship leaders who get frustrated with other people’s desire to plan carefully. Those frustrated have not themselves yet done much worship leading.”

August 18, 2006

Planning Contemporary Worship Services

Do you know how to look beyond the style of a "traditional" or "contemporary" worship service to find its worship vision, structure, and theology? Ron Rienstra says it's a question more worship planners should ask and answer. A feature story exploring the planning for Contemporary Worship services.

August 18, 2006
Eschatology: Our hope for a new heaven and new earth

How does your story fit into God's story? The way you answer this question likely influences what you believe about heaven. And your view of heaven makes a big difference in how you live and worship. A feature story exploring Eschatology: our hope for a new heaven and a new earth.

July 7, 2006
How to Include More Heaven in Your Worship Music

Songs often sink into worshipers hearts and influence how they understand and experience life. As you include more songs that mention heaven, pay attention to the beliefs that permeate them.

July 7, 2006