Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: The Transformer's Aim
The Spirit’s aim is to give people aim in life. He seeks to direct them along a path which shall enable them, at their life’s close, to have marked progress in learning Christ’s deeper ways, in growing to love him more and more.
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Guide
With “two hands,” said St. Irenaeus, third-century bishop of Lyons, God teaches and guides his people—with the Word and the Spirit. In the last column we focused on the Spirit’s role in writing the Word. In this column we look at the Spirit’s work in guiding God’s people as they read and apply it.
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Revealer
How do we humans know what we know or, at least what we think we know? The question of knowledge is one of the most centrally important—and vexingly complex—issues facing humankind today, and cries out for a solid, appropriate answer.
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Protector
The source of this sturdy confidence, this quiet tranquility and hope? It is anchored in the confident trust Jesus’ community puts in his promise to them: “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Illuminator
In order for God’s Word to achieve its Divinely intended purpose and effect, such an “Aha! That’s me!” response must happen within the hearts of those who read and hear it.
Ordinary Time Resource Guide
This resource guide for Ordinary Time includes sermon ideas, worship songs and hymns, visual arts, and readings to help you plan “ordinary” worship—times in the church year outside the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. The season’s liturgical color is green, symbolizing a time of growth in the Christian life. This guide also includes ideas for worship on Christ the King Sunday, Thanksgiving, and All Saints’ Day/Reformation Sunday.
Mark Charles on Indigenous Wisdom
Conversation with Mark Charles about Indigenous Wisdom
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Exceptional
We focus on the Spirit’s work in creation—more specifically, on his act of creating each human being as a mirror of God.
Coop's Column - Spirit at Work: Power to Make Our Lives Anew
When, as part of their Sunday worship, Jesus' followers join to declare, "I believe in the Holy Spirit," they’re saying a mouthful - a large mouthful.
Songs for Pentecost & the Holy Spirit
A list of songs to use during Pentecost or sermons on the Holy Spirit
Weekday Chapel: The Wind of the Spirit
Because the first Pentecost was such a dramatic multi-sensory event, with surprising sights and sounds and experiences, we celebrated it in worship accompanied by visuals and sound effects.
Coop's Column - Not as Orphans
To acknowledge that the Immortal God, the very Creator of the entire universe, is Father; and to affirm that this Father’s firstborn Son, Jesus Christ, once came to dwell on earth, to suffer, to die, and then to rise victoriously over death.