Drama on a Budget
Just in time for the holidays, here’s an easy one for all you sewers and weavers and other overworked "banner people."
Creating Scripts from the Bible
The Bible is a rich source of dramatic material for worship. From medieval tropes to contemporary sketches, this workshop surveyed the ways people have adapted scripture for performance and then formed groups to create original scripture plays.
The Drama of Liturgy
What role can drama play in the various elements of liturgy? Drama has been used to introduce sermon topics or themes of worship, but there are even more possibilities. This session explored how drama can enhance the call to worship, confession and assurance, proclaiming the word, offering, and sacraments.
Base Worship Drama on the Lectionary
In contrast to Jeff Barker, who often presents Old Testament passages as brief plays or mimes in place of or during the sermon text, John Steven Paul writes liturgical plays long enough to replace the sermon.
Let Story Form Your Worship: Old Testament and lectionary dramas
Here are two church worship drama models based on Bible texts. Part of a feature story exploring dramas based on the Old Testament and lectionary texts.
Base Worship Drama on the Lectionary
In contrast to Jeff Barker, who often presents Old Testament passages as brief plays or mimes in place of or during the sermon text, John Steven Paul writes liturgical plays long enough to replace the sermon.
Let Story Form Your Worship: Old Testament and lectionary dramas
Here are two church worship drama models based on Bible texts. Part of a feature story exploring dramas based on the Old Testament and lectionary texts.
Biblical Storytelling: Learning scripture by heart
Biblical storytelling reconnects worshipers with the communal experience of hearing God together. A feature story exploring biblical story telling and learning the scriptures by heart.
Nativity Dramas: Why an Ancient Practice Might Work Well for the MTV Generation
Todd Farley explores the use of drama
A Tale of Three Churches: Using Drama in Worship
In this article that appeared in Reformed Worship magazine, Todd Johnson explores using drama in worship. To do this, he presents three fictitious churches that represent different worship traditions. Describing each church, he explores the ways the different churches can incorporate drama into their services.
Share and Share Alike: Free--and nearly free--drama resources
A list of online drama resources.
Nativity Dramas: Why an Ancient Practice Might Work Well for the MTV Generation
Todd Farley explores the use of drama