Cultural Diversity

Recordação: Uma Verdade Incompleta

Todos os anos, eu peço aos meus alunos do seminário que me digam como eles imaginam que as crianças de 8 e 9 anos de suas congregações resumiriam o ponto principal da Ceia do Senhor em uma frase-resumo. Invariavelmente, a grande, grande maioria responde "A Ceia é sobre recordar a morte de Jesus".

September 23, 2015
Worship Resources about Faith and Citizenship

As children of God, no matter where we live, we are called to be citizens of the kingdom of God. But ultimately, our citizenship is in heaven and so, in everything, we turn our eyes toward the day when God will make everything new.

August 11, 2015

Worship that Blesses the Whole Community with the Whole Gospel

Most Christians know that Jesus calls us to love God with all we have and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Canaan Community Church changed its worship to truly follow the Great Commandment.

August 6, 2015