Christina Edmondson on Church Multicultural Accessibility Committees
John 17 records Jesus’ prayer for unity “so that the world may know that you have sent me and loved them.” It is a powerful witness when churches model unity within diversity. This witness requires intention and prayer.
Matthew D. Kim on Preaching with Cultural Intelligence
Preachers who interpret scripture without paying attention to cultural, ethnic, and other differences in their congregation miss out on opportunities to build bridges to their listeners’ lives.
Christina Edmondson on Doctrine and Multicultural Hospitality
To become more multicultural, congregations must help members discern differences between biblical doctrines and cultural biases.
Anne Emile Zaki on Preaching and Teaching in Today’s Egypt
After becoming a seminary professor in Egypt in 2013, Anne Zaki discovered two things about preaching that she hadn’t learned in the North American context.
Becoming a Reconciling Community
In this workshop, we focused on what it looks like for a church to be committed to racial reconciliation for the long haul and offered five foundational practices for becoming a reconciling community.
Let the Times Declare!: Socio-demographic Shifts and the Future of Young People in the North American Church
What are the times proclaiming? What are the demographic shifts clamoring for our ministries?
Stories of Indigenous Life
Join Cheryl Bear as she leads a vesper service at the 2018 Symposium on Worship.
Quédate con nosotros/Abide with Us
A bilingual vesper service at the 2018 Worship Symposium. Led by Carlos Colón, María Monteiro, María Cornou, and Mariachi Ágape.
Songs of the Refugees
Songs and prayers of the refugees, a vesper service led by Jaewoo Kim and Proskuneo held at Worship Symposium 2018.
Mutuality in Worship: Sharing Our Stories and Gifts
This workshop focused on practical ways to involve people's stories, songs, and gifts in our corporate worship times—all with the goal of unity in diversity.
The Future of Latino Protestants in America
Latino Protestantism is growing in the United States due to a combination of immigration, birth rates, and conversion. This expanding stream of American Christianity will foster shifts in the liturgy and worship of churches in unexpected ways.
Singing Spirituals, Singing Gospel
In this workshop, we sang spirituals, traditional and contemporary songs, praise and worship songs, inspirational songs, and children's music.