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Jaime Lázaro

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Jaime Lázaro

Ericson Alexander Molano: God Moves in the Midst of Praise and Worship

Integrity, humility and passion are some of the virtues that describe this young Colombian who grew up in the midst of mission trips, Bible studies and worship services due to his parent’s pastoral work.

July 31, 2013

Eddie Soto on Reencountering God at a Nightclub

When Chilean Eddie Soto was only nine years old, God touched his heart and planted a seed of light in his life. When adolescence arrived, he was so passionate about music that he forgot the experience he lived as a nine-year-old child.

July 30, 2013
Danilo Montero: “Worship is tuning the Latino ear and musical sense”

In the past 25 years, Danilo Montero’s contribution has had such an influence on the Hispanic Church that his songs are part of worship in the Latino churches of the United States and in all countries that speak the language of Cervantes.

July 30, 2013

Tony Perez on the Silence of God

Although Tony Perez was born in a Christian home in his Guatemalan homeland, it wasn’t until he was 22 that he had a personal encounter with the Lord, in a small church in the city of Huntington Park, California.

July 30, 2013
Luis Enrique Espinosa on Commercialization generates music with “massage” instead of message.

Thousands of young people have been challenged and motivated thanks to the ministry of “New Generation”, which Luis Enrique Espinosa and his wife Nilda founded more than a decade ago.

July 30, 2013
En una discoteca Eddie Soto se reencontró con el Señor

A los 9 años, Dios tocó el corazón del Chileno Eddie Soto y sembró una semilla de luz en su vida. Al llegar la adolescencia, se apasionó tanto por la música, que olvidó la experiencia vivida en su niñez.

May 10, 2013

Luis Enrique Espinosa: La comercialización genera música con “masaje” en vez de mensaje

Luís Enrique, originario de la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México, inició su servicio al Señor a la corta edad de 5 años, gracias a la motivación de su padre.

May 10, 2013
Danilo Montero: “La Adoración está afinando el oído y el sentido musical de los Latinos”

En los últimos 25 años , el aporte de Danilo Montero, ha tenido una influencia tal en la Iglesia Hispana, que sus cantos forman parte de la adoración en las congregaciones latinas en los Estados Unidos y en todos los países donde se habla la lengua de Cervantes.

May 10, 2013