Some presenters' workshops were recorded (audio or video).
Alison Adam, international song leader and member of the Iona Community, based on London, England; her book and CD Sing with the World: Global Songs for Children (GIA), was co-produced with John Bell (GIA).
Kevin Adams, author of 150: Finding Your Story in the Psalms and The Book That Understands You. In 1991 Kevin and his wife Gerry planted Granite Springs Church, a congregation that has helped inspire a movement of church planting in the Sacramento area. He serves as senior pastor, as a “New Church Development Specialist," and teaches at Calvin Seminary and William Jessup University. He blogs at
John Arndt, along with David Gungor, form the musical group The Brilliance—an emerging new breed of Christian artists who are taking our nature as "storied" creatures seriously and putting forward a sort of "new liturgy" which both honors the past and points the way forward into the future.
Nicole Ashwood, an ordained pastor in the United Church in Jamaica, and Education in Mission Secretary to the Caribbean and North America Council for Mission; in her work across the Caribbean, Nicole has been involved in shaping worship at the local and regional level.
Jeff Barker, professor of theatre at Northwestern College, Orange City, IA, and author of The Storytelling Church: Adventures of Reclaiming the Role of Story in Church (Webber Institute Books, 2011). An experienced worship leader, Barker also teaches in the doctoral program at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. He was named Iowa’s Professor of the Year in 2006.
Jeremy Begbie, professor at Duke University Divinity School, Durham, NC, and founding director of Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts, which “promotes a vibrant engagement of Christian theology and the arts at Duke Divinity School and beyond.” He is author most recently of Resounding Truth: Christian Wisdom in the World of Music (Baker, 2007) and Music, Modernity and God: Essays in Listening (Oxford University Press, January 2014).
Bruce Benedict, co-founder of Cardiphonia, a fellowship of contemporary liturgical composers. Previously he was Worship and Community Life Director at Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, NC; and before that, he worked for Camden Town Church in London, England.
Joyce Borger, editor of the newly published hymnal Lift Up Your Hearts and the quarterly magazine Reformed Worship, and music and liturgy editor for Faith Alive Christian Resources.
Ken Bos, full-time music department accompanist at Grand Rapids Community College, as well as accompanist for the Calvin College Alumni Choir, and organist and Director of Music at Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI.
Sandra Bowden, a visual artist who has been interpreting Scripture and her own spiritual walk through mixed media for more than forty years. She is the past president of CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts).
Emily R. Brink, senior research fellow with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and co-author of Wise Church: Exploring Faith and Worship with Christians Around the World (Faith Alive, 2013).
Jon Brown, pastor at Pillar Church, Holland, MI, a dual-affiliation church of the Christian Reformed Church in North America and the Reformed Church in America, and strategically located on the campus of Hope College.
Karen Campbell, pastor of Kilbride Presbyterian Church and convener of the worship panel for the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.
Mark Charles, resource development specialist with CICW in the area of worship and culture; he lives with his family on the Navajo Reservation, exploring areas of teaching and discipleship ministries among a wide range of people and cultures.
- Friday and Saturday Plenary: Strengthening Gospel-Shaped Prayers of the People: A Spirit-Shaped Agenda for the Next Decade of Worship Ministry
- A8: The Challenging Work of Public Penitence and Reconciliation in Worship
- C8: Contextualized Worship among the Navajo People
The Choral Scholars, an ensemble of graduates of Calvin College who live and work in West Michigan; their CDs include "Gaudeamus," and “Cry Out to God” which includes 22 settings from Psalms for All Seasons.
Constance Cherry, professor of worship and Christian ministries at Indiana Wesleyan University; she is also on the faculty of the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. Her latest book is The Special Service Worship Architect: Blueprints for Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Holy Communion and Other Occasions (Baker Academic, 2013).
Moses Chung, director of Home Missions for the Christian Reformed Church; in 2011 he moved from Korea where he was a pastor and executive administrator for Sooyoungro Presbyterian Church in Busan.
Todd Cioffi, assistant professor in the Congregational and Ministries Studies department at Calvin College and research fellow for the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
Carlos Colon, composer and native of El Salvador; Coordinator for Worship Initiatives and Artist in Residence at Baylor University, Waco,TX.
- Thursday Vespers, A Requiem for the Victims of War, by Carlos Colon
- Learning from and Praying for the Worldwide Church
Dale Cooper, resource specialist for liturgical spirituality at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, as well as chaplain emeritus and adjunct faculty in the department of Congregational and Ministry Studies at Calvin College.
Lora Copley, an interim preaching pastor at Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI; co-author of Come To Me (with Elizabeth VanderHaagen); and stay-at-home mom to four young image-bearers.
Maria Cornou, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she taught biblical studies and was administrative director at the International Baptist Theological Seminary. She is completing a PhD in theology and is currently a visiting scholar at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, researching Latino Protestant congregations in Kent County, Michigan.
- Seminar 13: Wise Church: Learning from the World-Wide Church
- BP: Learning from and Praying for the Worldwide Church
- B6: El culto como discipulado/Worship as Discipleship
Dale L. Cudjoe, the presiding Bishop of the Northern Diocese of the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA (COCHUSA) and pastor for the past 24 years of the Christ Temple COCHUSA in Gary, IN. He is the chair of the denomination’s National Publishing Board, is its National Corresponding Secretary, and has served as the worship leader and prayer coordinator for many of its national gatherings.
Jinny Bult De Jong, Chief Financial and Operating Officer for Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI.
Heidi De Jonge, pastor of Westside Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, Kingston, ON. Prior to that, she served as pastor at Harderwyk Christian Reformed Church (Holland, MI) and pastor for discernment at Calvin Theological Seminary where she worked with people who were in the midst of making vocational decisions.
Gregg DeMey, teaching pastor at Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church in the western suburbs of Chicago, song writer and minor league ballpark organist. He is on the leadership team of The Deeper Journey which offers the spiritual rhythm of quarterly silence and solitude retreats.
Paul Detterman, a teaching elder and church musician in the PC(USA), executive director of Presbyterians for Renewal and The Fellowship of Presbyterians, and co-author of Wise Church: Exploring Faith and Worship with Christians Around the World (Faith Alive, 2013).
Chris DeVos, pastor of several different congregations in the Christian Reformed Church for nearly three decades. He is currently the congregational mission pastor at Pillar Church in Holland, MI.
Norma de Waal Malefyt, resource development specialist for congregational song, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
Keith Doornbos, coordinator of the Renewal Lab through Calvin Theological Seminary's Institute for Global Church Planting and Renewal and pastor at Providence Christian Reformed Church in Holland, MI.
Ruth Duck, recently retired professor of worship at Garrett Theological Seminary, Evanstan, IL, and author of many published psalm and hymn texts found in most recent hymnals.
Lynn Barger Elliott, adjunct professor in the department of Congregational and Ministry Studies at Calvin College; she oversees the youth ministry minor.
John Ferguson, the Elliot & Clara Stockdal Johnson professor of organ & church music (emeritus) at St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN.
Nathan Foster, holds a master’s degree in social work and is licensed in clinical social work. He is also a Level III Certified Addictions Counselor, and is a professor of Social Work. Nathan joined the Renovaré team as director of Teaching Ministries and is author of Wisdom Chaser: Finding My Father at 14,000 Ft. He has a new book in the works, to be released in the spring of 2014.
Richard Foster, founder of Renovaré, a community of Christians seeking continual spiritual renewal in Christ, and author of the widely read Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth and Streams of Living Water.
Jonathan Gilley, director of music and worship arts at Holy Trinity Church in Chicago. He is featured as both worship songwriter and bassist on the latest album release by The Gospel Coalition, "Songs for the Book of Luke." Jonathan directed worship and music in both New York City and San Francisco churches and is passionate about leading Gospel-centered worship in cities.
David Gungor, along with John Arndt form the musical group The Brilliance—an emerging new breed of Christian artists who are taking our nature as "storied" creatures seriously and putting forward a sort of "new liturgy" which both honors the past and points the way forward into the future. David also serves as creative director at Mission Community Church in Gilbert, AZ.
Christopher A. Hall, chancellor of Eastern University and dean of Palmer Theological Seminary, St. David’s, PA; he has served as a pastor in several international settings and has published extensively on the early church. He serves on the Renovaré board.
Betsy Steele Halstead, an artist in oils and woodcuts and program coordinator for grants and communications and resource specialist for visual arts at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
Elizabeth Hernández Carrillo, coordinator of Music and Liturgy at the Theológical Community of México.
John Hesselink, president emeritus of Western Theological Seminary and known for his studies of Calvin and Reformed theology, was a missionary to Japan from 1953-1973. For almost a decade he served as Sadao Watanabe's chief interpreter at public exhibitions, and he and his wife Etta remained good friends with Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe.
Syd Hielema, campus chaplain at Redeemer University College, Ancaster, ON.
Jonathan Hill, assistant professor in the Sociology department at Calvin College. He works in the area of sociology of religion. He is co-author of the forthcoming book, Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults In, Out of, and Gone from the Church (Oxford University Press).
Scott Hoezee, director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI.
- Exodus 16 Worship service
- Seminar 2: Transformational Preaching: Engaging with Exodus and the Old Testament
Roy Hopp, director of music at Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI (which meets in the Calvin College Chapel); director of the Calvin Seminary Choir, and composer of many published hymn tunes and anthems.
Tom Jennings, director of worship at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City since 1995; his work there has been featured in Worship Leader, byFaith, and Charisma, as well as a documentary for Anglican Media Sydney; as a pianist, Tom has performed as a recitalist, orchestral soloist, and in opera, jazz, and cabaret.
Trygve Johnson, Hinga-Boersma Dean of the Chapel at Hope College, Holland, MI.
Laura Keeley, co-director of children’s ministries at Fourteenth Street Christian Reformed Church, Holland, Michigan, and co-author with Robert Keeley of Celebrating the Milestones of Faith: A Guide for Churches (Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2009).
Robert J. Keeley, professor of education at Calvin College; his latest publication is as editor of Shaped by God: Twelve Essentials for Nurturing Faith in Children, Youth, and Adults (Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2010).
Fred Knapp, percussionist with the Fred Knapp Trio, a professional jazz group in West Michigan.
Jane Knappe, event coordinator for Augsburg Fortress publishers; she often staffs the Augsburg Fortress exhibit at Symposium.
John A. Kohan, an artist, writer, and collector of works by modern artists from a
Won Lee, professor of religion at Calvin College. He is the author of Punishment and Forgiveness in Israel’s Migratory Campaign: The Macrostructure of Numbers 10:11-36:13 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003), and The Bible: A Library of Holy Writings (2005; also translated into Chinese).
Debbie Lou Ludolph, dean of the chapel and director of the Kanata Centre for Worship and Global Song at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, where she teaches courses in worship and global song, directs the global song choir Inshallah, and hosts local and national conversations on worship praxis.
- C26: Singing Songs from the Global South in a North American Church Context
- Friday Vespers, Singing our Prayers with the Global Community
Ron Man, director of Worship Resources International; pastor of Worship/Missionary in Residence at First Evangelical Church in Memphis, TN; producer of many free online resources ( and the online worship newsletter Worship Notes (, and author of Proclamation and Praise: Hebrews 2:12 and the Christology of Worship (Wipf & Stock).
Jeff Manion, senior teaching pastor of Ada Bible Church, Grand Rapids, MI, where he has served for 30 years. He is the author of The Land Between: Finding God in Difficult Transitions (Zondervan, 2010) and the forthcoming Satisfied, scheduled to be released in late 2013.
Sophie Mathonnet-VanderWell, co-pastor at Second Reformed Church, Pella, IA, where she leads the congregation by preaching, teaching, and providing pastoral care.
Judith Mosomos, a native of the Philippines, is acting director for Church, Worship and Music at the Methodist School of Theology in Singapore.
Michael Nabors, pastor of the New Calvary Baptist Church, Detroit, MI; as well as director of the MDiv program and professor of preaching at Ecumenical Theological Seminary, also in Detroit.
Mwenda Ntarangwi, a cultural anthropologist and native of Kenya; executive director of the International Association for the Promotion of Higher Christian Education (IAPCHE); associate director of off-campus programs at Calvin College; and author or editor of eight books, including East African Hip Hop: Youth Culture and Globalization (University of Illinois, 2009).
Andy Park, song writer and worship leader long connected with Vineyard music, currently based in Surry, BC. He is co-author of the forthcoming volume on the Vineyard Fellowship in Eerdman's "The Church at Worship" series, scheduled for release later this year.
- Seminar 3: Deepening a Congregation’s Ability to Talk about Worship
- A20: Loving God Intimately: Worship with the Anaheim Vineyard Fellowship, 1977-1983
Ellen Phillips is a portrait artist and figurative sculptor from Georgia and North Carolina. She delights in her calling as an artist and leader working with churches creating liturgical art and encouraging the formation of Liturgical Art programs. Her website is
Latifah Phillips, lead singer of Page CXVI, The Autumn Film, and Sola-Mi, resides in Colorado. She is most known for her rearrangement of hymns through Page CXVI. She is currently working on the Calendar Project, where Page CXVI will move from Advent through Easter with twenty-one hymns.
Jerry Pillay, pastor of St. Andrews’ Presbyterian Church in Benono, South Africa, and moderator of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (UPCSA).
Cornelius Plantinga, Jr., professor of systematic theology and president emeritus, Calvin Theological Seminary, and Senior Research Fellow at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship; his most recent book is Reading for Preaching: The Preacher in Conversation with Storytellers, Biographers, Poets, and Journalists (Eerdmans, October, 2013).
- Thursday and Friday Vespers, Everlasting to Everlasting: A Cantata for Congregation based on the Hallel Psalms, composed by Greg Scheer
- A19: Complementary Prayers: Prayers to Accompany the Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the new hymnal Lift Up Your Hearts
- B20: Proclamation in the Psalms for Christian Worship
Dan Quist, Church Relationship coordinator at Elim Christian Services in Palos Heights, IL, a ministry that provides services to children and adults with special needs; he is also a member of the advisory committee for Disability Concerns for the Christian Reformed Church.
Cindy Rethmeier, worship leader and song writer for many years in Vineyard churches and music conferences in North America and Great Britain; she currently leads the worship community at Holy Trinity (Anglican) Church in Costa Mesa, CA, and is co-author of the forth-coming volume on the Vineyard Fellowship in the Eerdmans Church at Worship series, scheduled for release later this year.
- Seminar 3: Deepening a Congregation’s Ability to Talk about Worship
- A20: Loving God Intimately: Worship with the Anaheim Vineyard Fellowship, 1977-1983
Ron Rienstra, professor of worship of preaching and worship arts at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, MI, and co-author of Worship Words (Baker, 2009).
Steven Rodriguez, worship and the arts pastor at Pillar Church in Holland, MI.
Sue Rozeboom, professor of liturgical theology at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, MI.
Lester Ruth, research professor of Christian worship at Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC, and the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in Jacksonville, FL, and co-editor of "The Church at Worship" series with Eerdmans. He authored the third volume in the series, Longing for Jesus: Worship at a Black Holiness Church in Mississippi, Eerdmans, 2013.
- Seminar 3: Deepening a Congregation’s Ability to Talk about Worship
- A20: Loving God Intimately: Worship with the Anaheim Vineyard Fellowship, 1977-1983
Paul Ryan, associate chaplain for worship, Calvin College, and resource development specialist for worship teams at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
Eric Sarwar, an ordained Presbyterian pastor from Pakistan, and founder and director of the Tehillim School of Church Music & Worship in Karachi.
- Friday and Saturday Plenary: Strengthening Gospel-Shaped Prayers of the People: A Spirit-Shaped Agenda for the Next Decade of Worship Ministry
- AP: Learning from and Praying for the Worldwide Church
Greg Scheer, minister of worship at Church of the Servant, Grand Rapids, MI; music associate at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship; author of The Art of Worship: A Musician’s Guide to Leading Modern Worship (Baker Books).
James K. A. Smith, professor of philosophy at Calvin College, and author of Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation, Baker Academic, 2009, and Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works, Baker Academic, 2013. He also holds the Gary & Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology & Worldview.
Julia Smith, is project coordinator and Sexuality Series director at Calvin College and a song writer and singer. Julia leads worship at Madison Square Church, Grand Rapids, and sings in a local blues band.
Kathy Smith, associate director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and program manager for the Institute's grants programs. She is an ordained minister in the Christian Reformed Church and is adjunct professor of church polity at Calvin Theological Seminary.
Carrie Steenwyk, program manager for publications, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship; series editor with Lester Ruth and John D. Witvliet of "The Church at Worship." The third book in the series is Longing for Jesus: Worship at a Black Holiness Church in Mississippi, 1895-1913 (Eerdmans, 2013). She is co-author with John D. Witvliet of At Your Baptism (Eerdmans, 2011).
- Seminar 3: Deepening a Congregation’s Ability to Talk about Worship
- A20: Loving God Intimately: Worship with the Anaheim Vineyard Fellowship, 1977-1983
Lyn Ten Brink, Young Life Capernaum coordinator for the Midwest Division and Young Life coordinator at Calvin College.
André Thomas, internationally known choral conductor, clinician, composer, and arranger with many published compositions, as well as Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities and Professor of Choral Music Education at Florida State University. His instructional video “Body, Mind, Spirit, Voice” on adolescent voices was produced with Anton Armstrong.
Elizabeth Vander Haagen, co-pastor of Boston Square Christian Reformed Church, mother of three small children, and a spiritual director. Elizabeth has written articles for Reformed Worship and The Banner, contributed to Hunger for the Word, and is co-author with Lora Copley of Come to Me, a prayer book for families.
Dan Vander Plaats, director of advancement at Elim Christian Services in Palos Heights, IL, a ministry that provides services to children and adults with special needs, and a member of the advisory committee for Disability Concerns for the Christian Reformed Church. In 2009 he compiled “5 Stages: The Journey of Disability Attitudes,” a document that helps churches and individuals assess their attitudes toward people with disabilities.
Ron van der Spoel, vice-president of Open Doors Netherlands and teaches preaching in seminaries in “closed countries.” He is also director of the Passion for Preaching Foundation and author of the books Passion for Preaching and Take Care of My Sheep.
Howard Vanderwell, resource development specialist with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, adjunct professor of worship at Calvin Theological Seminary; his latest book (editor and author) is The Church of All Ages: Generations Worshiping Together (Alban, 2008).
Lisa Weaver, doctoral candidate at Catholic University, Washington, DC, and ordained pastor in the Baptist church. Lisa serves as a grants board member for the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
Travis West, instructor of Biblical Hebrew at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, MI.
Roman Williams, assistant professor of sociology at Calvin College, uses visual research methods to investigate religion and spirituality in everyday life.
Susan Wilson, director of liturgical dance, Fifth Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI and instructor of dance at CARE Conservatory of Ballet; she also taught ballet at Hearts In Step Christian Dance Academy.
John D. Witvliet, director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and professor of Congregational and Ministry Studies, Music, and Worship at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary, respectively. His most recent book is Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship, co-edited with Joyce Borger and Martin Tel (Baker Publishing and Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2012).
- A8: The Challenging Work of Public Penitence and Reconciliation in Worship
- Friday and Saturday Plenary: Strengthening Gospel-Shaped Prayers of the People: A Spirit-Shaped Agenda for the Next Decade of Worship Ministry
Naaman K. Wood, teaches graduate courses in theology and culture at Northwest University, Kirkland, WA, and communication studies at Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, MI. He studied music at Evangel University, and earned both an M.A. and a Ph.D. at Regent University. He is currently working on a ThM degree at Duke Divinity School. Recently he began writing songs for the church and several of his songs have appeared on albums produced by Cardiphonia.
Anne Zaki, teaches at the Evangelical Presbyterian Seminary, Cairo, Egypt, and serves the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship on global initiatives.