Magnify the Lord
This service of Lessons and Carols from 2010 invites you to join with Mary in singing her song of praise to the Mighty One, and in working in fear and trembling for the full coming of the kingdom of Christ, even as we patiently await his return.
Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, sings her praise to God in cosmic, psalmodic fashion, according to Luke 1. Sung on the occasion of Mary meeting her relative Elizabeth, with both of their surprising pregnancies in bloom, Mary does not, however, refer directly to her pregnancy, but rather focuses on the mighty acts of God, on his mercy and faithfulness to his people. Quoting from the Psalms and the Song of Hannah (I Sam. 2), Mary directs our attention to what God is doing in her life and throughout his world: the God she magnifies is the One who brings down mighty rulers from their thrones and who lifts up the humble, who fills the hungry with good things but sends the rich away empty, and who keeps his covenant promises to his people.
In the rhythm of the church year, Advent is the season of expectancy, of rehearsing the mighty acts of God from Scripture, and of waiting for the mighty acts of God still to come, in our lives and at the consummation of time. So we join with Mary in singing her song of praise to the Mighty One, and in working in fear and trembling for the full coming of the kingdom of Christ, even as we patiently await his return.
In this service, through the movement of Scripture and prayer, music of hymns and anthems, images and metaphors, may God’s Spirit inspire us to magnify the Lord who is our Savior!
Prelude: Triptych on "At the Name of Jesus," William H. Bates
I. Introduction
II. Variations
Processional Hymn: "Once in Royal David's City"
Psalter Hymnal 346
St. 1, unison
St. 2, men
St. 3, women
St. 4, harmony
St. 5, unison, with descant by David Willcocks
Pastor: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
All: And also with you. Amen.
Prayer for Illumination
Advent Responsory: "Wait for the Lord, Whose Day Is Near"
Worship and Rejoice 116
All, harmony, three times
The Lord Is Near
Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-8
"Rejoice in the Lord" (Philippians 4:4, 6, 7), Henry Purcell
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
Branch of Jesse
Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-9
"The Beatitudes" (Matthew 5:3-12), Damijan Mocnik
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
"Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming," Michael Praetorius and Jan Sandström
"Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come"
Psalter Hymnal 337
St. 1 and 2, harmony
St. 3 and 4, unison
A Child Is Born
Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 1:28-35
"Magnificat: Canticle of Mary," Jeffery L. Ames and S. Scott Leaman
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
The Song of Mary 46b, 47: Praise to God as Mary's personal Savior |
Scripture: Isaiah 35; Luke 7:18-23
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
"O Come, O Come, Immanuel"
Psalter Hymnal 328
St. 1, unison, harmony on refrain
St. 2, men
St. 3, Women's Chorale
St. 4, Campus Choir
St. 5, harmony
St. 6, women
St. 7, unison with descant by David Willcocks
Come Quickly & God's Patience
Scripture: Psalm 70; 2 Peter 3:8-13
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
"An Advent Credo," Joseph M. Martin
"E'ven So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come" (based on Revelation 22) Paul Manz
The Lord Is Near
Scripture: Psalm 110; Philippians 2:5-11
"At the Name of Jesus"
Psalter Hymnal 467
St. 1-2, unison
St. 3, Campus Choir
St. 4, union, with a descant by Ralph Vaughan Williams
choral interlude, Campus Choir
St. 5, unison, with a descant by Ralph Vaughan Williams
St. 6, unison
New Heaven & Earth
Scripture: Isaiah 65:17-25
"And I Saw a New Heaven" (Revelation 21:1-4), Edgar L. Bainton
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
"Lo! He Comes, with Clouds Descending"
Psalter Hymnal 612
St. 1-3, harmony
St. 4, unison
Charge, Prayer, and Benediction
Recessional Hymn: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
Psalter Hymnal 345
St. 1-2, harmony
St. 3, unison with a descant by John Ferguson
Postlude: Triptych on "At the Name of Jesus," William H. Bates
III. Finale - "Christians, this Lord Jesus Shall Return Again"