All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 47 Sort by: Title | Date New Worship Songs for Climate Change and Creation Care Our 2017 annotated list of worship songs about care for creation remains so popular that we have compiled a new list of worship songs to lament climate change and encourage creation care. Many of these songs and hymns have been released since 2018. Others are new to various English-speaking audiences because they come from international hymnals and organizations. Feature Story | November 07, 2022 Nikki Toyama-Szeto on Hoping in God Despite Injustice Individuals and congregations sometimes despair while working for justice. Sometimes they forget that although God invites us to join in justice work, God remains in charge of changing the world. That’s why it’s crucial for justice seekers to stay rooted in Christian community and worship. Conversation | September 19, 2022 Rebekah Eklund on Practicing Lament Congregations become more relevant and biblical when they follow the Bible’s lead in bringing lament into worship. Rebekah Eklund’s book "Practicing Lament" shows churches, small groups, and individuals how to voice penitential lament and protesting lament. Learning to practice lament can reconnect people with God and help churches grow in “members of one body” solidarity. Conversation | August 22, 2022 Sarah Farmer on Courageous Hope in Youth Practical theologian Sarah F. Farmer offers four promising pathways for African American youth to strengthen capacity for hope infused with courage in the life of the church and community. Podcast | May 17, 2022 Kyle Meyaard-Schaap on Earthkeeping, the Church, and Generational Differences Many young Christians despair of finding communities that view environmental sustainability and justice as biblical mandates. Here is advice for helping churches catch a vision for biblical earthkeeping. Conversation | October 08, 2021 Becoming People of Refugia Extreme weather, declining church influence, and environmental protests affect Christians around the world. Debra Rienstra explains why the biological concept of refugia offers a metaphor for seeing the Spirit at work despite deep disturbances in God's creation and among God's people. Feature Story | August 30, 2021 J. Todd Billings on Embracing Our Mortality Unless we are very ill or old, many of us avoid thinking about our deaths. J. Todd Billings’s new book, The End of the Christian Life, explains that remembering our mortality and learning to die well will give us a more profound view of true Christian resurrection hope. Conversation | January 19, 2021 Glenn Packiam on Exploring Christian Hope in Contemporary Worship In this episode, pastor and songwriter Glenn Packiam shares about Christian hope in contemporary worship. Audio | Podcast | November 03, 2020 Singing the Psalms of Hope in a Covid-Shaped World 2021 Online Calvin Symposium on Worship | On-Demand Panel Discussion Video Video | October 29, 2020 11am: Hope for America’s Most Segregated Hour A 60-minute documentary film followed by a 60-minute Q&A time, hosted by David M. Bailey, executive director of Arrabon Video | October 28, 2020 Worship Resources for Pregnancy Loss and Infertility Many church members stay silent about miscarriages and other common reproductive losses. Yet Christian traditions contain many helpful books and worship resources to aid those who have experienced reproductive loss. Your church can start with these resources to engage this issue more directly and care for those who mourn. Article | June 02, 2020 Church Responses to Infertility, Miscarriage, and Pregnancy Loss After decades of silence, church leaders and congregations have begun accompanying people who mourn losing children before or soon after birth or letting go of dreams to form a family. Feature Story | June 02, 2020 Hymns for a Pandemic: A Brief Historical Introduction Centuries before 2020’s novel coronavirus, COVID-19, Christians around the world responded to plagues, pandemics, uncertainty, and sin with faith in God’s presence and care—a faith expressed in many theologically rich hymns that can remind modern believers of God’s faithfulness. Resource Guide | May 05, 2020 Stacey Edwards-Dunn on African American Infertility and the Church’s Response People experiencing infertility often suffer in silence. African Americans experience more infertility than other racial groups. But churches can offer healing when they open the door for conversations and include these sorrows in worship. Conversation | April 24, 2020 3 Songs of Lament and Hope / 3 Cantos de lamento y esperanza Carlos Colón demonstrates and talks about three songs of lament and hope, as part of the series "Songs from the hymnal / Cantos del himnario 'Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy.'" Musical Composition | Video | April 06, 2020 Mary L. Cohen on Prison Choirs That Churches Can Start Churches can use this community/prison choir model to embody and invite people into restorative justice. It can help us develop our awareness of our common humanity and help people see God’s love within each of us. Conversation | August 12, 2019 Mary L. Cohen on Community Choirs in Prisons Oakdale Community Choir in Coralville, Iowa, meets in the prison where half its members live. Church choirs and congregations can learn from the principles and practices that make this choir so life-giving. It focuses as much on relationships and potential as on music. Conversation | August 12, 2019 Glenn Packiam on Songs that Bring Hope in Worship What do contemporary Christians sing about when they sing about hope? Do they experience hope when they gather to sing in worship? If so, what sort of hope is it? Conversation | July 01, 2019 Mental Illness and Christian Worship This topic showcase highlights resources for including people with mental illnesses in worship. Congregations that renew their worship to become more inclusive discover that everyone benefits. Topic Showcase | October 30, 2018 Songs of Praise, Lament, and Hope The Psalms—the Holy Spirit’s inspired songbook right in the middle of the Bible—are a rich source of insight and inspiration for songwriters, singers, and worshipers of all kinds. Video | May 02, 2016 1 2 3 Next »