All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 14 of 14 Sort by: Title | Date Brian Hehn on an Ecumenical CCLI Top Songs List CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing, Inc.) hugely influences what many congregations sing, so the United Methodist Church began vetting CCLI Top 100 songs in 2015. Since then, song leader Brian Hehn has been encouraging other denominations to vet these popular contemporary worship songs so he can eventually create an ecumenically approved list of CCLI Top 100 songs. Conversation | May 21, 2024 Preaching Conversations that Connect Pulpit and Pew Whether churches call it a message, teaching, homily, or sermon, there’s often a big gap between what preachers think they are saying and what listeners hear. Preaching can become more effective when ministers, priests, deacons, and laypeople learn how to talk together. This two-way preaching conversation requires a cultural shift. Feature Story | October 05, 2023 Karla J. Bellinger on Lay Contributions to Compelling Preaching Have you ever gone home from worship disappointed that the preacher or Sunday homily didn’t seem very effective? Recent research reveals that listeners can help preachers help their peers grow closer to God. Conversation | October 05, 2023 Carol Arend on the Art of Accompaniment Accompanying people on their faith journey is an art that can be learned, according to Pope Francis. When St. Thomas More Catholic Community committed itself to the art of accompaniment, it learned principles that nearly any worship community can apply, Catholic or not. Conversation | February 14, 2022 Elizabeth Rodríguez sobre el ministerio con personas con discapacidad A medida que más congregaciones se dan cuenta y reconocen que las personas con diversas capacidades pertenecen a la familia de Dios, buscan recursos y capacitación para la inclusión. Ministerio Amistad proporciona el más completo programa de estudio bíblico en español para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Conversation | September 10, 2021 Elizabeth Rodriguez on Spanish-Language Disability Ministry As more congregations realize that all people and all abilities belong together in God's family, they seek resources and training for inclusion. Ministerio Amistad provides comprehensive Spanish-language Bible study materials for people with intellectual disabilities. Conversation | September 09, 2021 Dileep Athaide on the Coronavirus and Port Chaplaincy Pope Francis has said, "Without the people of the sea, many parts of the world would starve." Though seafarers aboard ships are essential workers, few people think of them. But port chaplains do. Your church can include seafarers and port chaplains in congregational prayers. Conversation | May 12, 2021 Kate Williams on the Coronavirus and Sacred Music When COVID-19 forced churches and schools to go virtual, GIA Publications helped church music ministers and music educators adjust. Some digital adaptations are here to stay because they help connect music ministers, worshipers, and music educators. Conversation | May 11, 2021 Paul Turner on Presiding Artfully at Mass In his new book, Ars Celebrandi, Paul Turner writes that “a well-prepared and celebrated liturgy is the church’s best response to crisis.” He offers fresh principles for how a priest’s presiding style can help the faithful participate more actively in the Mass. Conversation | March 18, 2021 Four Ways to Mentor Worship Leaders Four church leaders describe how they train and mentor worship leaders in their contexts. They try to identify gifts and to make room for everyone no matter their immigration status, age, or gender. Feature Story | August 16, 2019 Duane Kelderman on the Challenge of Preaching in a Fragile Europe A Dominican preaching colloquium addresses the challenge of preaching in contemporary Europe, where secularism, individualism, and a lack of cultural consensus have given rise to fear, division, and xenophobia. Conversation | November 16, 2018 Gregory Heille on the Dominican Preaching Network Dominican homiletics teachers in Europe, Asia, and North America collaborate to raise up new leaders to foster the Dominican preaching mission around the world. Conversation | August 02, 2018 Gregory Heille on the Dominican View of Preaching The Dominican Order is dedicated to preaching—in and out of the pulpit. Eight hundred years after its founding, the order includes more lay members than sisters and nuns and friars combined. Conversation | August 02, 2018 Gregory Heille on Pope Francis: ‘Instantly on Message’ From his first day in office, Pope Francis translated his Latin American perspective into a global vision for the Catholic Church. Conversation | August 02, 2018