All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Resources by 'María Eugenia Cornou' 1 - 20 of 45 Sort by: Title | Date The Word in the World: Five Continental Perspectives on Preaching Those who master the art of preaching cultivate the gift of listening and excel in understanding the needs and questions their audiences bring to public worship. This is also true for preachers ministering around the globe. If you are intrigued about how preaching develops in other countries and would like to learn more about themes, preferred styles, the use of the arts, and other preaching-related topics, do not miss this conversation with preachers from five different continents. Session | October 17, 2023 Glocal Perspectives on Contemporary Praise and Worship Every Sunday, thousands of worshiping communities in the United States and all over the world rely completely or partially on contemporary praise and worship [CP&W] in corporate worship. How has CP&W evolved, what are the movement’s main trends, and how is it experienced around the world? How is CP&W shaping Christians’ understanding of God, themselves, and the world? Join us to learn from renowned scholars in the field. Video | July 19, 2023 Power Distance and Teaching María Eugenia Cornou invites reflection on how power distance impacts the dynamics between teachers and students, teaching contexts, and assignments. Video | May 08, 2023 Power Distance and Preaching María Eugenia Cornou invites reflection on how power distance impacts the role of the preacher, how scripture is viewed and interpreted, and the act of preaching. Video | May 08, 2023 Preaching and Teaching in Low-Power and High-Power Distance Cultures In this video series, María Eugenia Cornou defines the cultural value of power distance and the implications of low-power and high-power distance contexts for preaching and teaching. Video | May 08, 2023 Organizations and Power Distance María Eugenia Cornou introduces the cultural value of power distance and how it shapes societies and organizations. Video | May 08, 2023 Intergenerational Worship in Global Contexts Psalm 148 describes a compelling vision of “young and old together” in worship. In every cultural context, there are unique challenges and opportunities in realizing this vision. Come learn from leaders from four continents about how each generation is invited to participate and contribute to worship—and what barriers, challenges, and changes they are experiencing in their contexts. Come away with new questions to ask about your context—and cross-cultural wisdom to share. Video | February 08, 2023 Christians and Cultural Difference A conversation with Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim, David I. Smith, and Maria Cornou Conversation | November 18, 2021 Preaching the Beatitudes in Context The blessings depicted in the Beatitudes are deeply countercultural. Not only do they contrast radically with the values and attitudes generally accepted in Jesus’ context, but they also denounced the oppressive and unjust practices and systems of the time. How do Christians read and live the Beatitudes in light of the challenges of our complex societies? In this panel discussion, three pastors from different nations reflect on the message of the Beatitudes in their original context and share their insights about the art of preaching the Beatitudes faithfully and relevantly for today’s world. This is a YouTube Video Premiere panel discussion. Video | November 15, 2021 Emerging research on practices, patterns and space in worship A panel of teacher-scholars with research projects focused on practices, patterns and space in worship share the fruits of their research, with a special focus on the implications of their research for worshiping communities. Video | July 20, 2021 Najla Kassab on God's Healing Grace in Beirut During COVID-19 and Beyond In this episode, Najla Kassab, ordained minister in the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon and president of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, speaks with Maria Cornou about the fear and sadness that COVID-19 brought to the Lebanon and the healing power of God's grace through worship and new ways of seeing injustice and being community for Christians in the Middle East. Audio | Podcast | April 14, 2021 Arbin Pokharel on Gospel Hospitality in Kathmandu, Nepal In this episode, pastor and church planter Arbin Pokharel talks with Maria Cornou about the vibrancy of the body of Christ in Nepal--land of Hinduism, birthplace of Buddha, and a caste system society--as they draw from the well of grace and practice their Christian faith so everyone can flourish. Audio | Podcast | April 07, 2021 Angelique Havenga and Marnus Havenga on Lament, Community, and Ubuntu in the Dutch Reformed Church of Stellenbosch, South Africa In this episode, pastor-theologians Angelique and Marnus Havenga share with Maria Cornou about what they are learning about pastoring and serving the community as a whole in the Dutch Reformed Church, located in city-center of Stellenbosch, one of the most unequal towns in the country of South Africa. Audio | Podcast | April 05, 2021 Philip McKinley on the Kairos Moment in Ireland during COVID-19 In this episode, Philip McKinley, co-founder of Discovery Gospel Choir, an intercultural ensemble that reflects the new-found cultural and ethnic diversity in Ireland, shares with Maria Cornou how the pandemic created new opportunities for unity and blessing among the people of Ireland and beyond in unimagined ways. Audio | Podcast | March 31, 2021 Yvette Lau on Worship Identity and Calling in Hong Kong During a Time of Pandemic In this episode, Yvette Lau, worship leader and chief executive of Anabas Ministry for worship renewal based in Hong Kong, shares with Maria Cornou about leading worship and the wisdom and discerning spirit that is needed to shape worship and pastor God's people during these urgent times. Audio | Podcast | March 29, 2021 Valdir Steuernagel and Marcell Silva Steuernagel on the Witness and Identity of the Lutheran church in South Brazil In this episode, father and son Valdir Steuernagel and Marcell Silva Steuernagel share with Maria Cornou about the witness, embodiment, and community of the Lutheran church in south Brazil during the COVID-19 crisis. This conversation was recorded in the fall of 2020 as part of a global worship course Prof. Cornou taught at Calvin Theological Seminary. Audio | Podcast | March 24, 2021 Judith Laoyan-Mosomos and Justin Chan on Multicultural Worshiping Communities in Singapore Methodist School of Music aims to equip and edify worshipers and the church through music and the arts. Staff members Judith Laoyan-Mosomos and Justin Chan talk with Maria Cornou, an associate director at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, about their worshiping communities and practices and issues highlighted in COVID-19. Audio | Podcast | March 22, 2021 Catherine Gunsalus González on Resources in the Ancient Church for Today's Worship In this episode, Catherine Gunsalus González shares about her book "Resources in the Ancient Church for Today's Worship" which celebrates the riches of going back in time to enrich the practices of worship today. Audio | Podcast | November 03, 2020 The Theology behind Early Christian Worship A discussion of the relationship between worship and theology in the early church, and what this means for us today. Video | November 03, 2020 Learning about Worship from the Ancient Church 2021 Online Calvin Symposium on Worship | On-Demand Panel Discussion Video Video | October 29, 2020 1 2 3 Next »