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This session considered what it might mean if we have a faith formation focus as we plan worship. Audio | March 22, 2010 Tending the Heart: Soul Care for Worship Leaders It is all too easy for worship leaders--preachers and musicians alike-to--slip into "mere professionalism." When that happens, we settle into dull habit, holy things no longer stir our soul, and God becomes distant and even abstract? This session examined that spiritual danger and suggested some practices to "guard our souls." Audio | March 22, 2010 Worship: A Spring of Life and Shalom Worship helps us answer fundamental questions of human existence regarding our identity, calling, main purpose in life, and how to be empowered for service to God? Audio | March 22, 2010 Prayer in the Life of a Third Millennium Monastery: What We're Learning This session featured stories, prayers, and insights from the first year of the Stockbridge Boiler Room, a simple Christian community that practices a daily rhythm of prayer, study, and celebration while caring actively for the poor and the lost. Audio | January 01, 2009 Kaleidoscope: Shifting Perspectives of Faith Formation, Young People, and Intergenerational Worship This session explored how our understanding of young people and faith formation ought to enhance appreciation for worship that is intergenerational. Drawing on current resources, ideas for promoting change and exchanging ideas will outline a strategy for promoting intergenerational worship. Audio | January 01, 2009 Profession of Faith: Can it Be Revitalized? Our faith formation is marked by certain milestones. One milestone is public profession of faith or confirmation. When this occurs might vary, but at whatever age, this milestone needs to be vital. This session explored how to recapture a sense of the privilege of professing your faith, make it a celebration, and regularly reaffirm it. Audio | January 01, 2009 Cultivating a Deep Love for Scripture To help form a biblical worldview, we saturated our congregation with a rhythm of scripture memorization that has become a key component of spiritual formation. This workshop showed how this practice has transformed us and our worship. Audio | January 01, 2009 Finding Themselves at the Table: Youth Practicing Eucharistic Living in the World This session explored an ecology of practices designed to deepen youths' participation in the Lord's Supper/Eucharist and to form them to interpret and act in the world eucharistically. Participants learned creative pedagogies for teaching youth about the Eucharist; how youth may be engaged in ministry at the Table; the importance of creating a broad ecology of liturgical and extra-liturgical Eucharistic practices through which youth may be formed; and the means to invite youths? personal and theological reflections on Eucharistic life. Audio | January 01, 2008 Baptism and the Transformation of Youths' Vocational Imaginations This session explored, first, the relationship between Baptismal theology and vocation, and second, a variety of pedagogies designed to invite youth to imagine faithfully their unfolding futures with God. Audio | January 01, 2008 Spiritual Formation in Worship-Centered Congregations Differing circumstances call forth different liturgical, theological and formational questions and inspire different congregational conversations about what we do in worship and why we do it. The workshop began with a PowerPoint presentation on the history of Christian worship and its relationship to spiritual formation in congregational life, concluding with 'where we are now.' Practices for spiritual formation were described in relation to the congregation's worship life. Audio | January 01, 2008 The Complementary Roles of Personal Worship and Corporate Worship in Spiritual Formation What is spiritual formation? Audio | January 01, 2007 Connecting Disconnected Young People through Worship This interactive seminar explored the cultural forces shaping teenagers' attitudes towards life as well as current research on teenage spirituality, in order to help think strategically about connecting young people with the Christian faith through worship. Audio | January 01, 2007 The Church with Tough Love - 1 Corinthians 5, HCLD 31 The seventh service plan in a Pentecost series. This service is planned around 1 Corinthians 5 and deals with the somewhat unpopular issue of discipline in the church. Worship Service | June 01, 2005 « Previous 1 2