All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 1 - 20 of 33 Sort by: Title | Date Amanda Drury on Testimony as Spiritual Formation in the Lives of Youth In this episode, Amanda Drury talks about the integral role testimony plays in the worshiping community, especially as young people learn how to narrate their faith in a variety of spaces and ways and join the intergenerational faith community in long-term Christian living. Audio | Podcast | December 20, 2021 Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Thoughts on Preaching and the Teaching of Preaching Looking at today’s North American cultural climate, Alyce McKenzie reflects on what it’s time to let go of in preaching and in the teaching of preaching—and what it’s time to grab hold of. Academic Article | November 09, 2020 Rich Villodas on the Deeply Formed Life In this episode, Rich Villodas, lead pastor of New Life Fellowship, a multiracial church in one of the most diverse zip codes in the US--Queens, New York--talks about what it means to be deeply formed in Christ. Audio | Podcast | November 03, 2020 Inviting North American Neighbors into the Spiritual Life: Models of Sanctification from Spirit Christology in Conversation with US Studies on Spirituality 2019 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Workshop Audio | April 24, 2019 Isaac Wardell on Rethinking Calling and Vocation Not everyone feels called to their job or experiences it as way to use their gifts to accomplish great things for God. There is a more satisfying way to think about how God calls each of us. Conversation | April 18, 2018 Isaac Wardell on Bringing Work into Worship Daily work, paid and unpaid, consumes our lives, energy, and minds—even when we are in church. Here are ways to plan worship so people see themselves and their work as instruments of God. Conversation | April 18, 2018 Growing in Intimacy with God This workshop first explored how worship leaders, musicians, and pastors can personally grow in Christ, and then it suggested ways that public worship can encourage similar maturity for all people. Audio | March 14, 2018 Four Learning Practices for Sermon Engagement Learning practices have rich application for sermon engagement. Here are four easy-to-implement strategies to allow each sermon to be more formative in our daily lives. Article | February 14, 2018 James Falzone on Saturday Jazz and Sunday Worship Synergy James Falzone explains why being both a professional musician and church music director makes him better at each. Conversation | August 23, 2016 Worship as Spiritual Formation The privilege of Christian worship is the invitation to the community by our holy God to encounter the love of that living God and to be transformed by it and to nurture the transformation of one another. Video | May 04, 2016 Charsie Randolph Sawyer on Healthy Gospel Singing Having a good voice isn’t enough to sing gospel music well and lead people into worship. This ministry requires health in body, mind and spirit. Conversation | September 03, 2015 Jerry Sittser on Growing through Adversity and Spiritual Practices You probably gather for worship with both lifelong worshipers and those new to the Bible. Jerry Sittser mines the history of Christian spirituality for nuggets that give life to all levels of worshipers. Conversation | January 06, 2015 Understanding the Battle Between the Flesh and the Spirit Dallas Willard discusses Galatians 5 about what it means to live by the Spirit and how doing so conflicts with the sinful nature that clings to us. Audio | April 02, 2014 El culto como discipulado El culto es una experiencia comunitaria integral, que de manera explícita o aún inconsciente, contribuye a modelar el carácter y la identidad de cada participante. Audio | February 27, 2014 Robert Nordling on Orchestras as Models of Christian Formation In December 2012, Robert Nordling gave an extended interview. In this edited excerpt, he explains how orchestras can help Christians grow together in faith. Conversation | Video | February 14, 2013 Robert Nordling on Humility and Christian Leadership In December 2012, Robert Nordling gave an extended interview. In this edited excerpt, he talks about humility as a key to Christian leadership and formation during college. Conversation | Video | February 14, 2013 Love Takes Practice: Christian Worship as a Pedagogy of Desire We are what we love. This biblical notion is found across the Christian tradition, from Paul and Augustine to Luther and Edwards. But what are its implications for worship? Explore how Christian worship forms and shapes our love to make us a people who desire the kingdom of God, as well as how Christian worship counters the formation of "secular liturgies." Audio | Slideshow | Video | April 18, 2011 How Do We Learn During Worship? What do classrooms and worship services share, and what each can learn from the other? Audio | January 28, 2011 The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults This workshop focused on understanding the latest social scientific research on the religious beliefs and practices of young people as they transition to adulthood. Audio | March 23, 2010 Feeding the God-Hungry Imagination While defenders of Christianity attempt to barge through the front door of reason by arguing the case for Christ, the Holy Spirit has been slipping through the back door of the imagination without the church's permission or even notice. Audio | March 23, 2010 1 2 Next »