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Jazz Psalms

Jazz Vespers at Calvin College provided a worship service that combined art, music, and prayer to offer a creative and contemporary service for worship. These services ended in an evening Psalm that was offered responsively.

Daniel Richardson and Angel Napieralski

A part of Calvin College's worship history was a weekly service known as Jazz Vespers: students gathered to walk through an ancient prayer service in a contemporary, creative, informal, improvisational, and multi-sensory way. A bold Kuyperian experiment, it combined music, poetry, art, scripture, prayer, and live jazz. A key piece of the time was the evening Psalm—a song of faith or doubt, praise or lament (or all of the above)—offered responsively: singing, speaking, singing, speaking.

Free download of Jazz Psalms Sheet Music


  1. Make a Joyful Noise  (Psalm 100)
  2. You Created My Innermost Being, O God  (Psalm 139)
  3. My Soul Thirsts for God  (Psalm 63)
  4. Your Promise Preserves My Life  (Psalm 119)
  5. Help Us, O God Our Saviour, We Are in Great Need  (Psalm 79)
  6. The Lord Is My Light and My Stronghold  (Psalm 27)
  7. Though the Wicked Spring Up Like Grass  (Psalm 92)
  8. Wash Me, O God  (Psalm 51)
  9. He Promises Peace to His People  (Psalm 85)
  10. Praise the Lord, O My Soul  (Psalm 146)
  11. Guide Me in Your Truth, and Teach Me  (Psalm 25)
  12. There Is No Speech or Langauge  (Psalm 19)
  13. Praise the Name of the Lord  (Psalm 107)
  14. Sing, Sing a New Song to the Lord God  (Psalm 98)