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Ken Boer on Scripture Memorization Methods
Memorizing Bible verses and passages can enrich family, school, and church communities. Internalizing God’s Word, whether by music or another method, helps Christians meditate, pray, and grow closer together with God and each other.
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Worshiping with the Reformers
In this conversation, social historian Karin Maag and pastor Noel Snyder talk about Karin's new book, Worshiping with the Reformers, which invites readers to understand worship practices during the sixteenth-century Reformation, including going to church, praying, preaching, baptism, Lord's Supper, worship around the death bed, and more. It narrates the heart-centered reality of how people worshiped in and among confessional groups, untangles some persistent misperceptions, and invites all of us to be more patient with each other in our communal worship practices today.
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