Ben Dykhouse on a Chapel Planning Process that Engages Students
Ben Dykhouse teaches computer applications and church history at Ontario Christian High School in Ontario, California. He also co-teaches a daily chapel class for the school’s weekly chapel worship. In this edited conversation he talks about a chapel planning model that focuses on glorifying God together.
Music Technology
More and more churches are using technology in their sanctuaries, and the music minister is usually the person who is responsible for overseeing its use and installment. This course starts with acoustics, mixing boards and microphones. These are the basics everyone will encounter in their churches. Understanding the foundations of these areas helps future music ministers make wise decisions even as specific technologies change with time.
Music Ministry Practicum
This is a guideline for a course on Music Ministry Practicum, where the students are paired with mentors and meet with the professor to discuss their experiences.
The Theology of Worship in the Reformed Tradition
This is a syllabus for a study of prominent theological writings from the Reformed tradition on nature and purpose of public worship. A course like this might include study of documents by Zwingli, Calvin, Hodge, Nevin, Barth, and von Allmen with an examination of how the enduring themes in these writings might be reflected in the practice of public worship in today’s cultural environment.
Foundations of Christian Worship
The course that follows this syllabus would introduce the students to the interdisciplinary field known as liturgical studies. The course would explore liturgical history, liturgical theology, the place of ritual in the life of faith, as well as the application of a praxis-theory-praxis model to liturgical issues.
Leading and Designing Worship
This course prepares students to design and lead worship services in a variety of contexts. Building on a foundation of establishing a philosophical framework in which to design and implement worship, specific elements and design forms or structures will be presented, experienced, analyzed and evaluated against the philosophical framework.
Theology of Worship and Spirituality
This course guided by this syllabus would explore the notion that worship and spirituality correspond with Christian truth. The Scripture and common creeds of the early church are studied to reveal the overarching Christian narrative of creation, incarnation and re-creation. Worship and spirituality are understood within this context, the meta-narrative of faith, commonly known as the Christian world view.
Visual Arts: Architecture and Liturgical Art
This showcase will explore resources to help you think in new ways about your worship environment, the architecture and the permanent or temporary visual installations that can not only enhance our praise and prayer but be praise and prayer.
Six Tips for Dwelling with Philippians
Here’s how other Philippians study groups have fit the project to their settings.
Una entrevista sobre los tres significados del término adoración
Una entrevista
Diez convicciones esenciales en cuanto al acto de adoración cristiana
En el décimo aniversario del Calvin Institute of Christian Worship [Instituto Calvin de la Adoración Cristiana] en 2007, identificamos diez principios y prácticas esenciales para presentar como nuestras convicciones centrales sobre la adoración Cristiana vital. Estas convicciones esenciales no son innovaciones. Son verdades intemporales de la Escritura y de la historia rica de la adoración Cristiana. Oramos que esta tentativa de reiterar y de reforzar la importancia de estas convicciones esenciales llevará a conversaciones más fructuosas sobre el significado y la práctica de la adoración Cristiana.
Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture
The Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture presents four central principles of the relationship between worship and culture.