
Issues in Worship Renewal (II) (Bible Study)

Perhaps you have seen examples of churches that have become more vital than ever through an examination of their worship life, and perhaps you have also seen churches that have been damaged by worship conflicts. What can we do to be sure of the one and not the other?

October 19, 2010

The Uniqueness of Reformed Worship (Bible Study)

This Bible Study explores the questions: What really is worship? And what is the unique perspective that the Reformed faith can bring to our thinking about worship?

October 19, 2010

The Prayers of the People (Bible Study)

Reformed worship is built on the conviction that congregational worship is essentially a conversation with God. In some elements of the worship service, such as the greeting, scripture reading, sermon, and benediction, God speaks to us. In other parts of the worship service, the worshipers speak to God through songs, commitments, and prayers.

October 19, 2010
The Service of Renewal in Grace (Bible Study)

Vital worship, like a healthy marriage, requires honesty and openness in order to thrive. God longs for our honesty before him. We are deeply in need of his renewing pardon.

October 19, 2010
Confident Prayer (Philippians 1)

The relationship between Paul and the Philippian Christians is a model for all congregations. Paul and the Christians in Philippi recognized the deep work of God in each other, prayed passionately for each other, and fervently desired to see God-glorifying fruitfulness in each other.

October 19, 2010

Worship as Listening and Responding (Bible Study)

We look in vain for any passage of Scripture that gives us the precise order of worship, rules for the practice of worship, or simple instructions that say, "THIS is the way worship must be!" Unfortunately, this has led some to believe that it doesn't matter how we structure worship, as though it's only a matter of personal preference or local custom.

October 19, 2010
Writing a Congregational Worship Statement (Bible Study)

This Bible study looks at and goes through the steps to creating a worship statement. It suggests that a properly authorized group of leaders decide and articulate the worship values of a congregation.

October 19, 2010
Participants in Worship: Seen and Unseen (Bible Study)

Remember that you are getting a view of the throne room of heaven. Notice the throne, the One on it, the crowd around it, and the nature of the worship they are bringing.

October 19, 2010