Universal Design

Universal Design and Responsive Design

Barbara J. Newman, Director of Church Services at All Belong and one of CICW's program affiliates, shares a definition of Universal and Responsive Designs.

May 22, 2020 | 4 min video
Shaping Worship During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sparking New Connections at New Mount Zion Baptist Church, Roxboro, North Carolina

Like many congregations, New Mount Zion Baptist Church has people with varying abilities, incomes, and technology access. In this edited conversation, LaTonya McIver Penny shares how to use a mix of digital and old-fashioned ways to help worshipers and community members stay connected.

April 14, 2020
Trauma-Informed Care in Church Worship and Life

This topic showcase highlights resources to help churches use trauma-informed practices in church worship and congregational life. Faith communities are more effective when they become more aware of adverse childhood experiences, collective trauma, and other tragedy.

March 24, 2020 | 10 min read

Autism and the Church's Mission

This session focused on how autistic individuals have been excluded from full participation in our faith communities and why the church’s mission is hindered by that exclusion. It ended with a discussion of concrete steps a church can take to become more welcoming and supportive of those with autism.

March 5, 2020

LaTonya McIver Penny on Worship with Differently Abled People

Churches decide to include people with disabilities when they realize God sees us all as equals and all as differently abled. LaTonya McIver Penny advocates for inclusive worship, especially in African American congregations.

February 25, 2020

Janice McLean-Farrell on a Pastoral Approach to Research

Congregations often want to get information from members and neighbors. They can learn how to do so pastorally by considering how scholars do academic research using human subjects. Scholars follow ethical standards to gain data while doing no harm.

January 8, 2020 | 7 min read
Angie Hong on Imagining Worship as an Egalitarian Zone

Christian worship services can support or contradict the biblical vision of the church as one body with many parts. Here’s how corporate worship can help worshipers practice equity across lines of gender, race, ability, socioeconomics, and sexuality.

May 24, 2019