
Kyle Meyaard-Schaap on the Arts as a Climate Tipping Point

Music and the arts have fueled major movements for justice. Evangelical Christians have the potential to shift climate action. That's why Christian leaders and musicians are creating worship songs and candlelight climate vigils to address climate crisis and work toward environmental sustainability.

October 8, 2021
Elizabeth Rodríguez sobre el ministerio con personas con discapacidad

A medida que más congregaciones se dan cuenta y reconocen que las personas con diversas capacidades pertenecen a la familia de Dios, buscan recursos y capacitación para la inclusión. Ministerio Amistad proporciona el más completo programa de estudio bíblico en español para personas con discapacidad intelectual.

September 10, 2021
Elizabeth Rodriguez on Spanish-Language Disability Ministry

As more congregations realize that all people and all abilities belong together in God's family, they seek resources and training for inclusion. Ministerio Amistad provides comprehensive Spanish-language Bible study materials for people with intellectual disabilities.

September 9, 2021

Becoming People of Refugia

Extreme weather, declining church influence, and environmental protests affect Christians around the world. Debra Rienstra explains why the biological concept of refugia offers a metaphor for seeing the Spirit at work despite deep disturbances in God's creation and among God's people.

August 30, 2021
Anti-Racism in the Renewing of Christian Worship.

May God give us grace and strength to resist lies, arrogance, injustice, racism, and oppression in all forms. In worship, we are called to confess sin, to lament brokenness, and to pray for the end of these travesties, even as we are called to preach and celebrate sacramentally the gospel of Jesus Christ—in which power is made perfect in weakness, in which each person and culture is cherished as God’s gift, in which our hope is based on the life, death, resurrection, and continuing ministry of our ascended Lord, Jesus Christ. We long for a seamless connection between faithful public worship and vital Christian witness in every sector of society and in every cultural context.

July 6, 2021

Dileep Athaide on the Coronavirus and Port Chaplaincy

Pope Francis has said, "Without the people of the sea, many parts of the world would starve." Though seafarers aboard ships are essential workers, few people think of them. But port chaplains do. Your church can include seafarers and port chaplains in congregational prayers.

May 12, 2021
Kate Williams on the Coronavirus and Sacred Music

When COVID-19 forced churches and schools to go virtual, GIA Publications helped church music ministers and music educators adjust. Some digital adaptations are here to stay because they help connect music ministers, worshipers, and music educators.

May 11, 2021

Paul Turner on Presiding Artfully at Mass

In his new book, Ars Celebrandi, Paul Turner writes that “a well-prepared and celebrated liturgy is the church’s best response to crisis.” He offers fresh principles for how a priest’s presiding style can help the faithful participate more actively in the Mass.

March 18, 2021
John A. Azumah on Fostering Respect between Muslims and Christians

John A. Azumah grew up in a family that practiced traditional African religions and Islam. He became a Christian in high school and has dedicated his life and scholarship to building bridges between Muslims and Christians, especially in Africa.

February 12, 2021
Forgiveness and the Worship and Witness of the Church

This conversation with Célestin Musekura and Satrina Reid will engage the topic of forgiveness and its role in the worshiping community and how forgiveness and reconciliation affects our witness to the world.

January 22, 2021