Meeting the Holy Spirit through Preaching and the Arts
Learn how one congregation used sermons and group creativity to help all ages become alive to the Spirit and more fully celebrate Pentecost.
Service of Reaffirmation of Resurrection Hope - Weekday Worship
A worship service held on the biblical vision of heaven and hope.
Coop's Column - Designed to the Inheritance of Jesus
"Designed to the Inheritance of Jesus" blog entry from Coop's Column.
Love Takes Practice: Christian Worship as a Pedagogy of Desire
We are what we love. This biblical notion is found across the Christian tradition, from Paul and Augustine to Luther and Edwards. But what are its implications for worship? Explore how Christian worship forms and shapes our love to make us a people who desire the kingdom of God, as well as how Christian worship counters the formation of "secular liturgies."
Coop's Column - He Shall Come Again
One of my former pastors told me that in his -then- 27 years of ministry in five different congregations he had met only two persons-an elderly wife and husband-who lived in daily excitement at the fact that Jesus shall come again. At every day's beginning they exclaimed to each other, "This could be the day! Let's be ready to greet our Lord!"
Easter Resource Guide
This list of Eastertide resources—including art, music, drama, devotions, liturgies, books, and sermons for the "Great Fifty Days" from Easter Sunday to Pentecost—will help you plan worship to celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection.
Coop's Column - He Sits at God's Right Hand
That Jesus is now enthroned became a central and glad part of the earliest Christian testimony, and it formed the basis for their heady and unshakable confidence in life and death.
Just Worship
We listen to the cry of the prophet Isaiah, voicing God's call to God's people regarding the true nature of worship and the inextricable bond between our relationship with God and our relationship with one another, and particularly with the most downtrodden among us.
Chapel for Lent: Confession
A chapel outline for confession
Toward a Liturgical Aesthetic
An interdisciplinary Review of Aesthetic Theory
Awesome in Glory - Doug Porter
A dramatic reading for three voices, specifically highlighting God's glory, a central dimension of Christian worship.
A Little Give and Take: How Words Shape Our Worship Worlds
How we describe realities matter, and, the words and images we use matter much. Our language not only describes a given reality, but in some ways, also designs it.