Shaping a Congregation's Worship DNA
The workshop offers wisdom for designing and shaping the first year of worship in new and restart church settings.
Eric Mathis on Expanding Teens’ Vision of Worship
Defining “worship” is an essential step for churches that want to start including youth in planning and leading worship. Teenagers long for worship that connects to life issues such as justice, imagination, and the arts.
Teenage Youth Worship Leaders: Wisdom for Teenagers and Those Who Mentor Them
Eric Mathis offers wisdom for teenage worship leaders and those who mentor them. This workshop, designed with teenagers and their mentors in mind, focuses on the task and responsibility of leading worship when those closest to us are present.
First Steps for Including Teens in Planning and Leading Worship
Integrating youth leadership throughout the church is a new paradigm. But churches are reaping the benefits of mentoring youth to plan and lead worship.
Why Youth Need to Be Leading Worship Regularly NOW
When congregations empower teenagers to use their gifts in meaningful ways over time, teens are more likely to imagine themselves as faithful disciples and devoted worshipers for decades to come. Two summer programs in worship, theology, and the arts inspire teens and mentors.
Josiah Chung: Passing on Faith to New Generations
Many immigrant churches struggle to retain the next generation, especially because of language barriers and cultural differences. Pastor Josiah Chung is finding solutions that apply across cultures to many kinds of churches.
Nancy Gordon on Sensing the Sacred
Nancy Gordon adapted the multisensory Young Children in Worship program for people with dementia. Her model deserves to be spread and developed more widely.
Sociology and Learning about Christian Worship Practices
An annotated research guide from the field of sociology
Older Adults and Worship
This topic showcases opportunities for churches to nurture faith formation in, by and with aging adults.
Worship as One: Disability in Community
A video giving testimony to a gospel-based vision of corporate worship that includes all people
Faith Formation in Children, Teens and Emerging Adults
Children think differently from adults. Greater understanding of how children think can help parents, pastors and ministry leaders foster healthy faith in each stage of development.
Thinking Geographically about Congregational Ministries
Maps can help your congregation learn about itself, set ministry priorities and connect to the global church.