Spiritual Worship - John 4, HCLD 35
A service plan focused on on the nature of God--that he is spirit--and the method of our worship of God--"in spirit and in truth"--in a series on the Ten Commandments, as explained in the Heidelberg Catechism.
Religion and Work - Do They Mix?
A service plan based on Exodus 20 and Colossians 3 addressing our attitudes toward daily work and what our faith has to do with shaping these attitudes in a series focused on vocation and how our faith and work are integrated.
Growing With Peter Series: A New King of Fisherman - Luke 5
A service plan in a Lenten series focused on discerning God's call and responding to it.
Radical Surgery - Matthew 18
A service plan in an Epiphany series in preparation for Lent focused on listening well, examining Jesus' teachings carefully, and gaining a more complete understanding of the life of discipleship.
Friend Lazarus - John 11
A service plan for Eastertide focused on the resurrection of Jesus' friend Lazarus in an Eastertide series focusing on Bible stories that occurred before Christ's resurrection but which shed light on how we should live after his resurrection.
Why Isn't Life More Fair? - Psalm 73
A service plan focused on the question of why life isn't more fair and the truth that we should have the freedom to be honest with God about our struggles and disappointments. This is part of a series addressing life's toughest questions for Christians.
The Joy of Being a Child - Psalm 139, Mark 10
The first service plan in a series entitled "Chapters of Life." This service focuses on the chapter of childhood. The intent is to speak to children, with children, and to those of other ages about children.
The Honor of Relationships - 1 John 3, HCLD 40
A service plan focused on the Sixth Commandment and that not only are we to refrain from murder, but we must also affirm the value and sacredness of life through loving our neighbors in a series on the Ten Commandments, as explained in the Heidelberg Catechism.
Does It Really Matter? - 2 Corinthians 8
The first of two service plans on the theme of stewardship. A significant part of our life of Christian discipleship is the responsible use of our resources, including time, talents and finances.
Wedding Planning Checklist
A list of points about worship to consider when planning a wedding and some questions to ponder.
Why Isn't My Christian Life More Dynamic? - John 11, 1 Corinthians 3
A service plan focused on the desire for greater strength, power and joy in the Christian life in a series addressing difficult questions of the faith.
The Kingdom that Cannot Be Shaken - Weekday Worship
The third weekday service plan in a series on Hebrews, concentrating on those passages from Hebrews which present the unshakable kingdom that Christ has established: