Chapel for Lent: Jesus Our Shepherd
A chapel outline focusing on Jesus as our shepherd.
(Based on a Calvin College Chapel, March 13, 2007)
Gathering Song - Lord Have Mercy – (Steve Merkel) chorus only
As we journey through Lent, the Lord reminds of his great mercy in walking with us and leading us. We walk with Jesus, who calls himself the good Shepherd. Psalm 23 is a familiar passage that speaks of God as our shepherd. As we read this psalm, please respond with the refrain :Shepherd Me O God,” remembering that God is our Shepherd who has promised to lead us on our journey.
Scripture Reading & Song – Psalm 23 & Shepherd Me O God (Marty Haugen)
Refrain 2x
Psalm 23:1-3
Refrain 1x
Psalm 23:4
Refrain 1x
Psalm 23:5-6
Refrain 2x – last refrain sung unaccompanied
Prayers of Confession and Petition
O God our great Shepherd, you tenderly gather us as lambs, carrying us with your all-embracing love. Yet, like sheep, we wander from you: following our own ways, ignoring your voice, distrusting your provisions. Forgive our stubborn rebellion, our hardened hearts, our lack of trust. Refresh us once again by your quiet waters of mercy and restore our souls by your redeeming love. Guide our paths, that we might follow you more closely. (Worship Sourcebook p. 565 #16)
Tender Shepherd, hear now our silent prayers of confession and petition … Lord, hear our prayers.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
Loving Father, we praise and thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer for our sins so that we may be redeemed. We are thankful that you remind us of that redemption throughout our lives and in this community of believers you have gathered together here at this chapel and at this college. Help us, Holy Spirit, to remember and acknowledge that you desire to walk with us and guide us. Help us to walk with you faithfully and to love others as you have commanded. We praise you for your loving faithfulness that endures forever.
O Lord, we thank you for your many blessings …
[ improvised or prepared prayers of thanksgiving for the particular worshiping community and for the world.]
O Lord, there are also many in this community who experience pain and sorrow, and we ask that you would heal us and to help us to uplift each other in grace and love. …
[ improvised or prepared prayers of intercession for the particular worshiping community and for the world.]
Thank you, O Lord our God, that you take care of us and guide us as our leader and shepherd.
Walk with us as we continue our journey to the cross. Sharpen our focus, that our attention may center more on you than on ourselves. Lead us through the shadows of darkness and prepare our hearts, that we might be a people of prayer, ready to perceive and respond to your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. In his name we pray. Amen.
Song - I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (African-American Spiritual)
Scripture - John 10:14-15
I am the good shepherd, I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep.
Song - Friends in Faith Who Follow Jesus (Delores Dufner)
Knowing that God has promised to walk with us, and hearing the challenge to follow Jesus and living out the gospel truth; let us dedicate ourselves to God in a song of praise and promise to him.
Song - Step by Step (Beaker)
Parting Words
In the knowledge that the shepherd Christ Jesus walks with us in each and every step, let us go now, committed to walking with our good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, today - and all our days.
Note: You may choose whether you’d like to have a printed worship order or not. The words in italics would be spoken by the worship leaders and would not be printed.