Explore Publications

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Setting the Spiritual Clock

By: Paul Louis Metzger

In this series of devotional reflections, Metzger reflects on the spiritual value and Christological focus of the liturgical year, demonstrating how the seasons of the church year help Christians resist the secular eclipse of spiritual reality.

Table and Temple: The Christian Eucharist and Its Jewish Roots

By: David L. Stubbs

In most modern discussions of the Eucharist, the Jewish temple and its services of worship do not play a large role. They are often mentioned in passing, but little work is done in grounding, organizing, or explicating the connections between these things and the Eucharistic celebration.

Work and Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy

By: Matthew Kaemingk, Cory B. Willson

The chasm between work and worship has a devastating effect on the health, vibrancy, and effectiveness of both our labor and our liturgy.

Acting Liturgically: Philosophical Reflections on Religious Practice

By: Nicholas Wolterstorff

Participation in religious liturgies and rituals is a pervasive and remarkably complex form of human activity. This book opens with a discussion of the nature of liturgical activity and then explores various dimensions of such activity.

Remembrance, Communion, and Hope: Rediscovering the Gospel at the Lord's Table

By: J. Todd Billings

In this book Billings shows how a renewed theology and practice of the Lord’s Supper can lead Christians to rediscover the full richness and depth of the gospel.

The Theater of God's Glory: Calvin, Creation, and the Liturgical Arts

By: W. David O. Taylor

A theological framework for the liturgical arts rooted in John Calvin, arguing that Calvin’s Trinitarian theology provides a promising resource for understanding the material aspects of corporate worship and for promoting the proper flourishing of the liturgical arts.

Worship in the Joy of the Lord

By: John D. Witvliet

Worship in the Joy of the Lord is a curated collection of over 300 quotations on the deep meaning and purpose of Christian public worship.

Evangelical versus Liturgical? Defying a Dichotomy

By: Melanie C. Ross

In this book Melanie Ross draws on historical analysis, systematic theology, and the worship life of two vibrant congregations to argue that the common ground shared by evangelical and liturgical churches is much more important than the differences than divide them.

The Touch of the Sacred: The Practice, Theology, and Tradition of Christian Worship

By: F. Gerrit Immink

In The Touch of the Sacred Gerrit Immink offers thoughtful theological reflection on the religious practice of worship services in the Protestant tradition.

Worship with Gladness: Understanding Worship from the Heart

By: Joyce Ann Zimmerman

In this invitingly written, deeply joyful book, Joyce Ann Zimmerman makes Scripture her foundation as she explores the meaning and purpose of authentic Christian worship today.

Imagining the Kingdom

By: James K.A. Smith

James K.A. Smith expands and deepens the analysis of cultural liturgies and Christian worship he developed in his well-received Desiring the Kingdom