CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.
While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.
Aldrich Avenue Presbyterian Church
To embrace, celebrate and transcend generational and cultural differences through study and practice of reconciliation in congregational worship and in workshops with neighboring congregations that will include learning, worship and sharing in the Lord's Supper.
Alice Slater Youth Federation
To engage youth and young adults of 25 congregations in an intergenerational study of prayer, communion and worship planning that will equip worship leaders and develop sustainable habits of intergenerational worship in the congregations.
Angel Community Church
To explore the role of culture in Christian worship through a series of workshops on the use and creation of visual art, dance, and drama that engages the congregation in a dialogue about what it means to be both Reformed and African-American.
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center - Department of Pastoral Care
To create a common language for worship among staff and clients through lament, Psalms and the Vertical Habits at an adolescent residential psychiatric treatment facility that will lead to corporate and personal worship that promotes spiritual healing.
East Second Street Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
To engage members of the congregation in Worship Renewal Circles that will deepen their understanding of worship, encourage the creation of worship journals and share their learnings with two neighboring congregations.
First AME Bethel Church
To encourage personal and public prayer practices in worshipers of all ages by creating a language for prayer through Lectio divina, praying the Psalms, and media that includes Twitter and Facebook.
First Presbyterian Church of Altadena
To engage the congregation in study and reflection of the Lord's Supper and unity that will extend hospitality and shape their life together as they move from being a mono-cultural to multi-cultural congregation.
First Presbyterian Church of San Bernardino
To offer hands-on intergenerational workshops which combine theological reflection with prayerful creativity to build trust and strengthen ties as they create thoughtful art for worship.
First United Presbyterian Church
To engage the congregation in learning about diverse cultural and linguistic worship resources such as music, visual art and dance and to use them in worship to better reflect the growing diversity in the community and in the congregation.
Fox Valley Presbyterian Church
To develop a worship planning group of youth and adults who will host workshops and plan worship using what has been learned.
Grace Brethren Church
To express the broad range of worship expressions that appear in the Bible through workshops to create liturgies, prayers, responsive readings, music, poems and art with a focus on the Psalms and Revelation.
Grace Presbyterian Church of Weed
To engage in a process of learning and reflection on the use of music drama and art that will create intergenerational worship services for the congregation and other churches in the community who have been invited to learn with them.