CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.
While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.
St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic School
To encourage a deeper involvement in and understanding of worship among students by focusing on prayer in small group gatherings and creating concrete sensory liturgical experiences.
St. Paul/Minneapolis District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
To engage laity and clergy from nine historic congregations in critical dialogue, theological reflection, action and celebration around the historical aspects of worship in the AMEC, in order to identify new interpretations of traditional models for worship, seek new vision for worship that is intergenerational, and bridge historical worship traditions with contemporary ones.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
To develop resources for the four parts of the Episcopal Eucharist service, four activity sessions for young people and a Vacation Bible School program for ages 6 through 12 around the Vertical Habits themes, focusing on how these themes are aspects of a healthy relationship with God.
Bethany Christian Services
To identify the most important spiritual needs of adolescents in residential treatment programs, to develop worship utilizing music, art, drama and design which addresses those needs, and to develop a training module for staff and volunteers who lead worship in residential treatment settings.
Catholic Diocese of Belleville
To offer symposiums in worship planning, music, art, liturgy and drama for high school students and faculty who seek to plan and lead worship that is richly African-American and authentically Christian.
Choristers Guild
To establish new Summer Worship, Arts, and Music Camps which will give children the opportunity to gain an understanding of the structure of worship, skills in leading various aspects of worship, experience with various worship-related arts, and occasions for preparing brief worship services.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
To integrate children into planning, leading, and participating in worship through a summer education program, a workshop, a major conference, an internship program, and resource production.
Trinity Episcopal Church
To equip children and youth for Christian worship within the liturgical framework of the Eucharist, and to foster intergenerational church community by fully engaging young people in a corporate worship experience through a newly commissioned Eucharistic liturgy for young voices and Orff instruments.
Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church
To teach children the significance of the elements of worship and the children’s roles as participants and leaders by offering training and worship leading experiences in congregations throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.
LOGOS System Associates
To develop a team of educators and pastors from various congregations and denominations to deepen their understanding of Christian worship, and to develop a plan that will help children comprehend and encounter the essence of Christian worship and the significance of what the parts of worship contribute to their spiritual experience.
New City Church
To create an urban school of worship for teenagers, which will develop individual worship leaders and musicians and forge them into teams to lead worship for teen peers on Friday nights, for smaller children on Saturday and for supporting churches on Sunday.
Power House Youth Center, Inc
To become a catalyst for worship renewal in the community by training youth and mentoring them individually, so that they understand the basics of worship and can participate in planning worship services.