CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.
While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.
First Presbyterian Church
To create and blend interpretive text, choreographed movement and music in worship and to assist an intergenerational worshiping community to understand and own the theological basis and significance of innovative liturgies through book studies, workshops and the incorporation of new liturgies throughout the church year.
First Presbyterian Church
To engage the congregation in a study of the Lord’s Supper through drama, storytelling, art and music that will shape worshipers in understanding how the table nourishes and equips to address the physical and spiritual hunger in the community and the world.
Grace Lutheran Church
To engage a growing, diverse congregation in singing the Psalms in order to promote confident, prayerful Psalm singing at home and in worship that will give them tools to understand themselves as an important voice in the story of scripture rooted in baptismal identity.
Greater Mount Carmel African Methodist Episcopal Church
To offer workshops on the Psalms, the Church Calendar and the intersection of worship and culture that will equip intergenerational worship planning teams to explore biblical texts and prepare liturgy, music and visuals for worship.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
To engage in learning and conversations related to worship with ecumenical partners that will explore various traditions, perspectives and practices to deepen worship in the congregations and to encourage worship life that bears fruit in service to the community.
Immanuel Congregational Church
To engage the congregation in a process of learning through book study groups, workshops and small group conversations that will reflect on their history and explore what it means to be a multi-cultural and multi-racial congregation in a community of rapidly shifting demographics.
LaSalle Street Church
To offer to the congregation a year of creative opportunities in the visual arts that begin with Scripture and are created in response to the scriptures of the seasons with attention to the diversity of Christian experience and global cultures to nurture a creative culture that can be central to ongoing worship renewal.
Madison Square Church
To engage the congregation and worship leaders in the theology and practice of Christian worship through teaching and training that will seek to renew worship from a spectator-performance experience to complete, active participation of each worshiper of every ethnicity and age.
Millbrook Christian Reformed Church
To immerse the congregation in a year-long study of the Holy Spirit that is based on preaching, sacraments, creeds and traditions and express this learning through creative writing, dance, drama, visual art and music that produce fruit within the congregation and in service to the community.
Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ
To initiate worship renewal in the 154 congregations within the Conference by emphasizing imagination, creativity and the arts as a liturgical focus for congregational and individual renewal by offering a series of retreats and workshops that conclude with a conference wide gathering.
Nashotah House
To create opportunities for renewed Anglican-Orthodox dialogue that will deepen understanding of worship grammar and rhetoric and implement and integrate elements of Orthodox piety into worship and devotional life within the bounds of Anglican heritage.
New City Fellowship
To facilitate multi-generational and multi-cultural education in worship arts with an emphasis on the Psalms that will incorporate unique cultural contributions of people in the congregation from many nations.