CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.

While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.

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Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston Office of Worship

To create an Hispanic Music Ministry Formation Program to engage musicians throughout the Archdiocese in a study of Hispanic music and the role of the music in each liturgical season that will inform the leaders to select and lead music that is liturgically appropriate.

Worshiping Communities
Houston, texas

Candler School of Theology, Emory University

To engage teachers, composers and hymn writers in a study of practices and repertories of congregational song in North America that includes a collaborative consultation, a year-long partnership with congregations across the country and a concluding event to give new insights into the patterns in place and imagine prophetic renewal of the church’s song and leadership. 

Worshiping Communities
Atlanta, georgia

Carey Theological College

To equip pastors and worship leaders in the free church tradition to recover the observance of the Church Year through a series of workshops and seminars to shape the worship life and spiritual formation of adults and children.

Worshiping Communities
Vancouver, british columbia

Christ the King Presbyterian Church

To explore how Christ is proclaimed and remembered in the context of the weekly Lord’s Supper liturgy through study and workshops that will train an intergenerational scripture reading team and the congregation so that speaking and hearing scripture will deepen the observance of communion.

Worshiping Communities
Raleigh, north carolina

Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA)

To partner with local congregations by offering “hands-on” experiences in the visual arts as a means for artists and congregations to study and respond to the Creation Psalms.

Worshiping Communities
Wenham, massachusetts

Concordia University College

To equip church musicians and worship leaders in a geographical area where church leaders often feel isolated by offering a day long gathering for training and  discussion, book study groups sharing their learning throughout the year and a final gathering to celebrate what has been learned.

Worshiping Communities
Edmonton, alberta

East Point Church

To examine how songs, prayers and sermons point worshipers to God through quarterly workshops which include historic hymns and catechisms to educate the congregation and leaders in other congregations.

Worshiping Communities
East Point, georgia

Episcopal Church of St Paul and St James

To equip members of the congregation to plan and lead worship by offering workshops, retreats, and opportunities for congregational reflection as they explore what jazz worship means to the multi-cultural, multi-generational congregation.

Worshiping Communities
New Haven, connecticut

Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC)

To encourage the full, active and conscious engagement of youth in public worship and to create bilingual resources in collaboration with the National Federation of Youth Ministers (NFCYM) that will promote liturgy as the heart of Christian life.

Worshiping Communities
Washington, district of columbia

First Baptist Church

To develop new patterns and habits of worship through study and workshops to teach about worship that is inclusive of the cultures and generations which reflects the diversity that is growing within the congregation.

Worshiping Communities
Riverdale, georgia

First Christian Reformed Church

To study the Psalms and Vertical Habits through sermons, prayers, music, the arts, study and memorization to help the congregation and neighboring churches grow as places of hospitable community and encouragement.  

Worshiping Communities
Pella, iowa

First Presbyterian Church

To create and blend interpretive text, choreographed movement and music in worship and to assist an intergenerational worshiping community to understand and own the theological basis and significance of innovative liturgies through book studies, workshops and the incorporation of new liturgies throughout the church year. 

Worshiping Communities
Ann Arbor, michigan