Grantees in both streams of the Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants program can find information and instructions related to grant administration below.


At mid-year and the end of the year, all grant recipients are required to submit reports to CICW. These will help you and our staff assess the progress and results of your grant. You can find our reporting forms in the Grant Management System.

Login to the Grant System 

Mid-Year Report

The Mid-Year Report includes both a narrative portion and a budget report.

The first installment of 50% of your grant funds will be distributed once we receive your Letter of Agreement. The second installment will be delivered after we receive and review your Mid-Year Report, which includes a narrative portion and a budget update.

Narrative: To gather input for the narrative report, ask yourself questions such as these:

  • What are we learning about the nature of worship?
  • What new questions are we asking about worship?
  • How has the grant impacted worship practices?

Worshiping communities grantees should ask 3 to 5 people who are involved in the project to help evaluate your progress and learning. By relying on more than just the project director, we can all get a clear sense of the progress of your grant, what adjustments may be needed, and what your plans are for the future.

Final Report

Like the Mid-Year Report, the Final Report includes both a narrative portion and a final budget report.

Narrative report: This report should explain and illustrate what you have accomplished and learned over the course of the grant project. To gather input, follow a process similar to the one outlined for the Mid-Year Report.

Budget report: View the video above to learn how to submit a final budget report. Your final budget should note any unspent funds that may be left over. These unspent funds must be returned to us in the form of a check made payable to Calvin University and sent to the following address:

Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants Program

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

1855 Knollcrest Circle SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4402