
Base Worship Drama on the Lectionary

In contrast to Jeff Barker, who often presents Old Testament passages as brief plays or mimes in place of or during the sermon text, John Steven Paul writes liturgical plays long enough to replace the sermon.

April 5, 2007
Let Story Form Your Worship: Old Testament and lectionary dramas

Here are two church worship drama models based on Bible texts. Part of a feature story exploring dramas based on the Old Testament and lectionary texts.

April 5, 2007
Pablo Sosa on Congregational Singing

Songs put words in people's mouths, knowledge in their bones, and conviction about whose voice counts. Songs shape how a worshiping community lives out its faith. A feature story exploring the importance of congregational singing.

February 26, 2007

Church Anniversaries Worth Celebrating

As good as it is to reconnect with former pastors and see old church photos, there's a lot more you can do to plan a meaningful church anniversary in your congregation or denomination. A feature story exploring the celebration of church anniversaries.

January 23, 2007
Sports and Mennonites Don’t Mix. Or Do They?

As good as it is to reconnect with former pastors and see old church photos, there's a lot more you can do to plan a meaningful church anniversary in your congregation or denomination. A feature story exploring the celebration of church anniversaries.

January 23, 2007
Good Taste, Bad Taste, and Christian Taste

Talk about worship aesthetics need not polarize people. Frank Burch Brown tells how to be more inclusive in arts and worship, yet also more discerning. A feature story exploring the idea of "taste" and aesthetics in Christian Worship.

January 5, 2007

Connecting Disconnected Young People through Worship

This interactive seminar explored the cultural forces shaping teenagers' attitudes towards life as well as current research on teenage spirituality, in order to help think strategically about connecting young people with the Christian faith through worship.

January 1, 2007

Worship in Difficult Times

All congregations experience crises, transitions, and conflicts. Worship will be affected by these difficult times, and can be the place where healing begins and continues.

January 1, 2007
Epiphany in Missional Churches

Learn why missional churches are deciding that Epiphany is a lot more than a fuss about wise men. A feature story exploring the importance of celebrating Epiphany, especially in missional churches.

December 22, 2006
N. T. Wright on the Gospel and Meal Jesus Gave Us

What can people inside and outside your church learn about the gospel from the way you preach and practice the Lord's Supper? A feature story exploring the Gospel and Christian Celebration of the Lord's Supper.

December 8, 2006