Christian Year

The Wardrobe of Easter: Teaching God’s Word

In this meditation, we consider the equally important task which rests upon the teachers within the Christian community. The Lord places upon them the duty to instruct faithfully and well so that others may learn and grow.

April 8, 2014
The Wardrobe of Easter: Singing Together

In the weeks since Easter, we have been noting in this column the several Christian practices which St. Paul commends as appropriate for those who have "been risen" with their Lord. In this week’s column we highlight the practice of singing.

April 7, 2014

The Wardrobe of Easter: Centering in Jesus

Meditating on the great acts of salvation and rescue which his Savior had performed for him, and then letting the waves of the Savior’s love which prompted these acts to sweep over his mind and into his heart, Paul could do nothing less, nor nothing else, than to dedicate his entire life to his Lord.

April 6, 2014
The Wardrobe of Easter: White-Hot with Purpose

St. Paul calls followers of Jesus Christ who have been resurrected with him to live far better. They must be well-ordered in their priorities and white-hot in their motivation.

April 5, 2014

Daisy Rhau on Children, Creation Care and Worship

In this edited conversation, based on email and phone conversations in September 2013, Daisy Rhau talks about the Christian Education committee members’ awareness that “the children were deeply invested in earth care.”

October 9, 2013