Good Places for All

This book combines a biblical framework with an exploration of how cities, neighborhoods, housing markets, and transportation systems work.

Mark Bjelland
Calvin College Press, 2020
Visual Arts, Architecture, and Urban Planning

This short book invites readers into a deeper understanding of cities and suburbs and the challenges they face. Because places play such an important role in human well-being, loving our neighbors includes caring for and cultivating good places for all. Despite their great prosperity, North American communities are beset with challenges: fiscal crises, concentrated poverty, fragmentation and division, failing schools, unaffordable housing, and lack of community feeling. Good Places combines a biblical framework with an exploration of how cities, neighborhoods, housing markets, and transportation systems work. Readers will find themselves challenged to extend Christian hospitality beyond the walls of their private homes into zoning codes, local politics, neighborhood associations, faith-based housing providers, and real estate development. Watch a short book promo clip by the author.

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