From Memory to Imagination

Outlining imaginative ways for the church to move forward from worship wars, this book is a must-read for church leaders and anyone interested in worship music.

C. Randall Bradley
Eerdmans, 2012
Worship Planning and Leading, Music and Congregational Singing, Liturgical Series

The relatively recent "worship wars" over styles of worship - traditional, contemporary, or blended - have calmed down, and many churches have now reached decisions about which "worship style" defines them. At a more fundamental level, however, change has yet to begin.

In From Memory to Imagination, Randall Bradley argues that fallout from the worship wars needs to be cleaned up and that fundamental cultural changes - namely, the effects of postmodernism - call for new approaches to worship. Outlining imaginative ways for the church to move forward, this book is a must-read for church leaders and anyone interested in worship music

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