Published on
June 22, 2021
Worship for the Vital Grants event 2021. This service is based on John 4:4-26.

Opening Song: “My Soul Is Thirsting” 

Text: Psalm 42
Music: Deanna Witkowski © 2018 Deanna Witkowski/Tilapia Tunes/BMI
All rights reserved. A-703303.
Sheet music is available at

Led by friends of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship: Deanna Witkowski, piano and voice; Tony DePaolis, bass; and Thomas Wendt, drums; Cassandra Vander Well-Pegman, dance

Call to Worship:

¡Vengan a las aguas todos los que tengan sed! (Spanish)
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters!  
أَيُّهَا الْعِطَاشُ جَمِيعاً هَلُمُّوا إِلَى الْمِيَاهِ (Arabic)

 You who long for the water of life—come and drink! 
God will lead you to quiet waters, God will refresh your soul.   

[pour water]

너희 목마른 자들아,  물로 나아오라 (Korean)
Жаждущие! идите все к водам. (Russian)

Dip your soul in the river of God’s goodness;  
quench your thirst at God’s well of grace.  
God will lead you to quiet waters, God will refresh your soul.  

[pour water]

们一切干渴的,都当就近水来! (Mandarin)
Shoo, t'ááłá'í nootínígo dibáá' danohłíinii, hágo  hólǫ́ǫjį' ahohkááh (Navajo)

For God is here among us,  
offering living water to all who would drink!  
God will lead you to quiet waters, God will refresh your soul. 

[pour water]


來!你們所有乾渴的,都當來到水邊。(Cantonese Chinese) 
Venham, todos vocês que estão com sede, venham às águas; (Portuguese)

 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.  
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.  
God will lead you to quiet waters, he will refresh your soul.   

Led by friends of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, staff of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, and their families: Carlos Lemagne (Spanish), Kristen Verhulst, Anne Zaki, Satrina Reid, Brandon Xavier Butler, Jr., Chan Jang (Korean), SooA Hong (Russian), Becky Snippe, Alexander Snippe, Ziqi Chen (Mandarin), Mark Charles (Navajo), Joanna Wigboldy, Beatrice Wigboldy, Julia Start Fletcher, Kai Ton Chau (Cantonese), María Eugenia Cornou (Portuguese), Dale Cooper

Song: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Text: Robert Robinson, 1735-1790
Music: melody from A Repository of Sacred Music, 1813; arr. Joe Cox © 2015 Choristers Guild
Used by permission. CCLI #400063.

Led by Calvin University’s Campus Choir
Aaron Polet, conductor
Cynthia Haas, piano

Testimony: Maggie Falenschek, Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN

Song: "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say"

Text: Horatius Bonar, 1846
Music: C. Michael Hawn

Led by Vital Grants Board Member, C. Michael Hawn

Prayer for Illumination

Led by Center for Excellence in Preaching staff member, Mary Bardolph

Scripture reading: John 4:4-26

Led by friends of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship:
Enacted by Hannah Barker Nickolay
Produced by Jackson Nickolay
A Project of Wayfolk Arts

Meditation: "Worship Beyond the Well"

Led by Vital Grants Board Member, Lisa Weaver

Song: “Lléname, Señor / Fill Me, Lord"

Text: Juan Salinas; tr. by Mary Louise Bringle © 1991, tr. © 2019 Canzion, admin. CanZion Editora
Music: Juan Salinas © 1991, Canzion, admin. by CanZion Editora; arr. by Obed Valencia Lozada © 2001

Led by Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Resource Development Specialist, Greg Scheer (music) and friend of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Kathleen Turner (dance)

Prayer for the World

Led by Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim, a collaborating faculty member at Calvin University

The Lord’s Prayer 

Led by friends of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Julia Start Fletcher, with Elsie and Miriam Fletcher

Blessing: 1 Thessalonians 5:23

May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; 
and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound  
and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Led by Joanna Wigboldy

Sung Blessing: “The Blessing” 

Text and Music: Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, and Steven Furtick © 2020 Capitol CMG Paragon
Used by permission. CCLI #400063.

Led by friends at Calvin University: Nii Kpakpo Adoteye-Anum, Calvin University faculty and staff, Luke Enders, Nate Glasper, Jr., Soloman Kim, Carlos Lemagne, Debra Perry, Ruth Vanden Bos, Natasha Vedder, Tracie Wiersma

Videography at Calvin University was done by Matchframe Creative.