CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.

While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.

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Interdenominational Theological Center

To train and equip worship leaders in African American contexts through studying biblical, theological, and socio-cultural paradigms for worship and music, facilitating dialogue between music and worship faculty and students at ITC and local worship leaders, exploring Black sacred music genres and encouraging cultural diversity in worship.

Worshiping Communities
Atlanta, georgia

Lake View Lutheran Church

To incorporate lay leaders of all ages in planning and leading worship around themes of justice and mercy to meet the needs of the surrounding urban community.

Worshiping Communities
Chicago, illinois

LOGOS System Associates

To help children explore and experience worship through enhancing resources for children in worship and creating a framework to help congregations implement the resources.

Worshiping Communities
Pittsburgh, pennsylvania

Luther Memorial Lutheran Church

To study worship history and renewal in a series of retreats and seminars with leaders of six local churches of various denominations and to use the results of this study to create a plan for worship renewal in each of these congregations.

Worshiping Communities
Blacksburg, virginia

Lutheran Community Church

To provide ongoing training for musicians, choirs, worship leaders, and the congregation through developing a bilingual liturgy, hymn book, and other printed resources as well as creating multicultural art and symbols for the multicultural worship environment.

Worshiping Communities
Watsonville, california

Lutheran Music Program

To extend the experience of the summer music and faith program to the greater community by helping students form yearlong mentorships with pastors or other worship leaders in their home congregations so that the youth will become fully integrated into the worship life of their congregation.

Worshiping Communities
Minneapolis, minnesota

Lutheran Music Program (2006)

To extend the experience of the summer music and faith program to the greater community by helping students form yearlong mentorships with pastors or other worship leaders in their home congregations so that the youth will become fully integrated into the worship life of their congregation.

Worshiping Communities
Minneapolis, minnesota

Memphis Theological Seminary

To explore the meaning of art in worship as well as to experiment with forms of art and ways to incorporate that art in the ongoing worship life of area congregations.

Worshiping Communities
Memphis, tennessee

Muskegon Christian School

To design worship and curriculum that emphasizes the unity of the body of Christ and the richness of differing worship styles across racial and cultural lines through building relationships with families and the worship team of Angel Community Church.

Worshiping Communities
Muskegon, michigan

New Hope Covenant Church

To explore and nurture contextualized worship in an urban church with multi-racial and multi-class membership through consulting with urban and Southeast Asian churches, studying questions about worship and encouraging youth to learn traditional Southeast Asian instruments.

Worshiping Communities
Oakland, california

New Hope Lutheran Ministries

To train youth to create and lead worship in music, proclamation, and liturgy and to help congregation members to more deeply appreciate the needs, concerns, and life of youth both in the church and the community.

Worshiping Communities
Vandergrift, pennsylvania

New Life Christian Fellowship

To introduce multisensory worship, to study the meaning of the seasons of Advent and Lent, to invite Asian American congregants, especially children and youth, to learn about Asian puppetry and create puppets and dramas with seasonal themes, and to integrate this learning in worship services during Advent and Lent.

Worshiping Communities
Castro Valley, california