CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.
While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.
Kirkwood United Church of Christ
To facilitate a study of drama, art, music and dance that will immerse the congregation in the fullness of worship, ground them in their faith, strengthen them as a community and equip them in their calling to reach out to their community.
LaSalle Street Church
To create opportunities for the congregation to cultivate a culture of story-telling – exploring new ways to tell and listen to scriptural narratives, and finding linkages between scriptural narratives and our individual life journeys – by engaging in movement, puppets, theater, poetry and integrating this creativity into the worship life of the church.
Lombard Christian Reformed Church
To engage the congregation in small group studies, a retreat and workshops that focus on scripture reading, the Liturgical Calendar, music and the Sacraments that will encourage deeper participation and understanding of worship for all ages.
Mount Aery Baptist Church
To facilitate conversations and learning about worship through congregational roundtable discussions and workshops that will lead to greater participation in worship in a large, growing, socially, culturally, economically and educationally diverse, multigenerational congregation.
Mustard Seed School
To empower adolescents to study the Bible, explore their faith, find their voice, grow as leaders and strengthen their relationships to their pastors and churches while giving tools to teachers and pastors to learn about faith formation so that they are better able to shepherd students through adolescence.
Philadelphia Montgomery Christian Academy
To dwell in the Psalms as the yearly chapel theme that will include book studies, guest speakers and a Psalmfest with the expectation that a new understanding of the breadth and depth of the Psalms will result in greater and fuller worship participation using drama, music and visual arts in an ethnically and denominationally diverse K-12 school.
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
To engage students and faculty mentors in a year-long process to plan monthly chapel services, engage in theological and practical reflection on previous services and study broader issues related to worship through book discussion and guest-led workshops that will strengthen congregational singing, increase use of culturally/globally diverse liturgical resources and engagement with the whole person through multi-sensory worship practices.
Reformed Church of Highland Park
To offer three intergenerational “Psalm Plunges” that will provide space to look at the Psalms intentionally through lectures, worship and working together on songs, art projects, new lyrics for old hymns, liturgical elements, prayers, sentences, poems and other creativity inspired by the Psalms to help the congregation become more aware of how and why we worship as we do.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
To offer training for volunteer cantors in fifteen rural parishes and the musicians who work with them that will develop the musical skills, liturgical knowledge and spirituality needed to do their ministry well.
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
To equip lay leaders by offering a Liturgical Certification Program that will educate, renew and deepen the understanding of Roman Catholic Liturgy for a parish of 10,000 families and the diocese of Las Vegas.
St John’s Episcopal Church
To engage a multilingual, multicultural, multiethnic urban congregation in reflection on unity in diversity through artistic expression in the celebration of the Eucharist and its linkage to baptism that will promote integration among English, Spanish, French and Creole-speaking liturgical communities as one community of faith.
St Thomas Episcopal Church
To engage ten congregations and eleven clergy in developing new worship and prayer resources by creating opportunities for learning how the cultural seasons and church year intermix as the needs of neighborhoods are considered.