CICW has awarded Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants for over 20 years to teacher-scholars and worshiping communities in 45+ states and provinces and across 40+ denominations and traditions—including Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, non-denominational, and other Protestant communities.

While worship styles and practices vary greatly across these traditions, the grant projects typically explore at least one of CICW’s ten core convictions related to worship. Explore the hundreds of projects we’ve funded across both streams of the program.

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Bethlehem Baptist Church

To develop a 12-week integrative training course to study the history and purposes of congregational song and to provide participants the opportunity to write, critique and perform original songs and hymns. To teach individuals, both young and old, how to effectively memorize and communicate Scripture for presentation in worship.

Worshiping Communities
Minneapolis, minnesota

Bethlehem Lutheran Church (2002)

To conduct three leadership retreats for developing worship resources for both adults and children that will refelct the diversity of cultures in an inner city congregation.

Worshiping Communities
Muskegon Heights, michigan

Big Rapids Deanery of the Grand Rapids Diocese

To conduct a series of 6 sessions for reading, study, and reflection on the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and the influence it has on liturgy and the people who gather for worship.

Worshiping Communities
Reed City, michigan

Black Mountain Presbyterian Church

To engage the entire congregation, through a retread and study, in a discussion of Reformed worship with the intent of constructing new forms of worship which will be meaningful and attractive to the entire congregation, especially to young families.

Worshiping Communities
Black Mountain, north carolina

Chesterville United Methodist Church

To deepen worship experiences in small, rural congregations through training of worship leaders-including teens, enhancing worship environments, and culminating in an Art As Worship Festival for the community.

Worshiping Communities
Chesterville, ohio

Children At Worship Inc

To teach congregations the fundamentals of designing the worship life of a community that include people of all ages, particularly children and youth, in ways that are engaging, participatory and meaningful.

Worshiping Communities
Rochester, new york

Christ Community Church (2002)

To plan a conference which will educate and inspire young musicians to discover old hymns whose texts express their faith and to use their musical gifts to set those texts to music that resonates with their children.

Worshiping Communities
Franklin, tennessee

College Hill Reformed Presbyterian Church

To develop teaching materials on contemporary musical settings of the Psalms, with an emphasis on music from Africa and Latin America, and to make these available to the wider church community.

Worshiping Communities
Beaver Falls, pennsylvania

Committee for Worship and the Arts

To develop a program which will meet the needs of small congregations for competent musicians to lead worship and congregational song, and to identify resources for effective music ministry.

Worshiping Communities
Edmonton, alberta

Community of Reconciliation

To renew worship through a process of study, implementing new worship formats, evaluation and sharing with other similar congregations which are multi-cultural, interracial, and intergenerational.

Worshiping Communities
Pittsburgh, pennsylvania

Congregacion Leon de Juda

To offer a two-day regional conference and exhibit in worship and the arts for Hispanic churches, focusing on how the arts can be used effectively in worship and evangelism.

Worshiping Communities
Boston, massachusetts