First Christian Church of Orange, 2020

Orange, California

To create an intentional process for selecting music for congregational singing that promotes vibrant worship and facilitates the full, conscious, active participation of worshipers.

Provide a brief summary of the purpose and goal of your grant.

The purpose and goal of our grant were to assemble a collection of singable, sticky, and sound songs for congregational singing appropriate for a Progressive Christian congregation and share both the process and result with other worship planners and music directors serving Progressive Christian congregations. In the process of reaching this goal, we set out to equip members of the church with information to stimulate deeper and more critical reflection on songs sung in worship.

 What are two questions that have generated reflection on worship and helped shape your project?

  1. What role does music play in proclaiming the word in worship and how important is it?
  2. Why do words/lyrics matter in a Progressive Christian context?

What impact has your project had on the worship life and habits of the congregation? 

This project has highlighted how theology is expressed in music and helped to explain why some songs are no longer sung and other songs are selected. By engaging this topic and inviting people into the conversation we are inviting participation and feedback on music selection for congregational singing at First Christian Church of Orange. Music leaders are now more mindful of the songs that elicit the greatest participation and collective effervescence.

 What have been your greatest challenges (or challenging opportunities)?

Before the grant officially began, Covid-19 made it impossible to gather and sing congregationally.  We lost the ability to observe and experience feedback from various song selections in a music lab format.  Instead, we attempted online polling with online music presentations we called "festivals."  We were also unable to plan an in-person workshop for worship designers and music directors of Progressive Christian congregations.

 What would you like to share with other Project Directors?

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is on your team and willing to work with you to maximize the benefit of your grant.  Even if you have to pivot because of a pandemic, or if an aspect of your grant fails, the learnings are worth the effort.

Learning Artifact

First Christian Church of Orange PowerPoint Presentation