Upcoming Events
Forming Leaders for Peacemaking and Conflict Transformation: An Interview with Canon Sarah Snyder
Learn about the groundbreaking global work of the Rose Castle Foundation. In a world of painful divisions, what can equip leaders with the habits and skills they need to transform conflict, including in some of the world's most vexing sites of division?
Welcome All Wonders
Join the Calvin University choirs for their annual Lessons and Carols service at LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church on Sunday, December 8, at either 3 p.m. or 6 p.m. Both services will be livestreamed.
2025 Calvin Symposium on Worship
2021 Symposium on Worship
You are warmly invited to engage an online learning experience around key topics and themes in worship and the Christian life at the Calvin Symposium on Worship: January 6-26, 2021. Join with participants from around the world through online media to learn and connect together. The online Symposium features flexible learning options available to all people regardless of their location.
Faithful Anti-Racism in a Time of Pandemic - January
Healer of Our Every Ill: Christmas Eve
A service of lessons and carols led by the Calvin University's Campus Choir, Women's Chorale, and Capella, directed by Pearl Shangkuan and Aaron Polet.