Eastern Orthodoxy for the West
This seminar introduces Western Christians to select themes in Eastern Orthodox theology. It also offers an enriching ecumenical discussion of points of doctrinal convergence and difference, with a view of identifying the resources for renewal of Christian life. The topics include the retrieval of the Church Fathers, doctrinal authority and the role of tradition in the church, understandings of salvation, and East and West liturgical theology and church renewal.
Los Protestantes: Latino Protestantism in the United States
Los Protestantes: Latino Protestantism in the United States will look at the U.S. Latino community through missional eyes. How are Latino Protestants a part of what God is doing in the U.S. today? What are the issues that ministry and mission among Latinos bring to the table? The seminar will use lectures, readings, videos, case studies, small groups discussions and similar activities to help participants think through the issues they face as they serve among Latinos in the U.S.
Hymn Festival - Neland Church, Grand Rapids, MI
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is providing support to worshiping communities to host Hymnfests. The purpose of this program is to promote singing the whole story of God.
Worship Renewal - A Day of Learning
Join with hundreds of others from worshiping communities across the US and Canada to listen, discuss, share, and worship together as we consider how disciplined creativity, theological integrity, and healthy leadership practices work together in the worship renewal process.
Hymn Festival
This Hymn Festival celebrates the publication of the new hymnal, Lift Up Your Hearts.
The Theology and Practice of Pastoral Ministry - Grand Rapids, MI
In this seminar, we will study the theology and practice of pastoral ministry with a view to creatively and critically engaging changing views of the church and its ministry in our contemporary culture.