Nicole Grant-Yonkman
Pastor Nicole grew up years in Maine, where her extended family das called home for many generations. She is a graduate of Colgate university, with degrees in Religion and Women's Studies, and the University of chicago Divinity School, with a master of Divinity. She also did extensive coursework toward a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies at UChicago. Pastor Nicole met her husband, Todd Yonkman, at UChicago and they married in 1996, sharing a life of ministry. Nicole has served churches in the Chicago area, Dayton, OH, and Providence, RI for over 20 years.
The common theme for all of the ministry settings for Nicole has been church renewal, and reimagining the next step for the organization as the church grows and changes. All of the churches Nicole has served have experienced significant numerical and spiritual growth. Nicole is the first woman senior minister at First Church in Windsor, founded in 1630. She thrives on getting involved in the wider community, like hosting a community-wide discussion series called "Love your Muslim Neighbor," serving on the Windsor hunger Action Task Force, and guest speaking at Windsor Human Relations Commission social justice events. She is the recipient of the Windsor Bridge builders Award and the Windsor Phenomenal Woman Award.