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Preparing for the Lord's Supper

Several resources for preparing to celebrate the Lord's Supper.

In A More Profound Alleluia, Leanne Van Dyk writes the Lord's Supper is "food for the journey of Christian discipleship." In John Calvin's view, she says, the sacraments are "a form of the word of God given uniquely to the worshiping community."

To prepare for this unique gift of God, we invite you to reflect on the meaning of this sacrament by reading the feature story Rejoicing at the Lord's Supper.


"Preparatory Exhortation for the Lord's Supper," Psalter Hymnal, pp. 976-977

Excerpt from That We May Perfectly Love Thee: Preparing Our Hearts for the Eucharist by Robert Benson

from Christ, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper by Leonard Vander Zee

"Eucharist/Eschatology" by Martha Moore-Keish, in A More Profound Alleluia, ed. Van Dyk

"Cultivating Fear-of-the-Lord in History: Eucharist and Hospitality," by Eugene Peterson, in Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places (more)

Dinner with an Imperfect Community, entry at CICW's Worship Weblog