All Tags Resource Type Academic Article Article Audio Bibliography Book Excerpt Book Signing Conversation Enacted Scripture Feature Story Image News Item Online Discussion Podcast Prayer Reflection Resource Guide Slideshow Topic Showcase Video Website Worship Service Category All Christian Year Daily Prayer/Reflection Dance Drama Grants Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Worship Language Arts/Words Music Preaching Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) Teaching Technology Visual Arts Worshipers Worship- Leading Worship- Meaning of Worship- Planning Worship- Preparing for Occasion All Funerals Symposium Resources War Lessons and Carols Ascension Hymn Festival Advent Weddings Weekday Services Epiphany Natural Disasters Pentecost Teaching Worship Commissionings Thanksgiving Easter Christ the King Christmas Healing Services Anniversaries Taize Ordination/Installation Heidelberg Catechism Summer Passion Week Lent Dedications Search results 81 - 100 of 1591 Sort by: Title | Date Worship Service: Our Identity in Christ Alone A worship service based on Colossians 3:1-11. The service is led by Danny Román-Gloró, preaching; James Abbington; Brandon A. Boyd; an orchestra from Calvin Christian High School [Grandville, Michigan] directed by Karel deWaal Malefyt; and an orchestra from Grand Rapids Christian High School [Grand Rapids, Michigan] directed by Cyndi Betts and Erin DeYoung. Worship Service | February 10, 2023 Sharing and Serving: The Lord's Supper This fourth session is part of “Experiencing the Contours of Early Modern Worship,” a series of five linked sessions bringing current-day participants into the world of Reformation Europe. What was it like to attend worship in Wittenberg in 1530, Geneva in 1550, London in 1570, or Venice in 1590? When people in different confessional contexts joined in worship and participated in the sacrament in this period, what differences and similarities were there? Join Sue Rozeboom [Western Theological Seminary] and Karin Maag [Meeter Center] for an overview of the range of perspectives on and practices of this sacrament in the Reformation era. Video | February 10, 2023 Worship Service: A Chosen and Thankful People A service of the word and table based on Colossians 3:12-17. The service is led by Laura de Jong, preaching; Ron Rienstra; and Western Theological Seminary Chapel Stewards, past and present [Holland, Michigan]. Worship Service | February 10, 2023 Proclaiming and Responding to God's Word: Exegesis and Preaching This fifth session is part of “Experiencing the Contours of Early Modern Worship,” a series of five linked sessions bringing current-day participants into the world of Reformation Europe. What was it like to attend worship in Wittenberg in 1530, Geneva in 1550, London in 1570, or Venice in 1590? When people in different confessional contexts joined in worship and participated in the sacrament in this period, what differences and similarities were there? Join John Thompson [professor emeritus, Fuller Theological Seminary] and Karin Maag [Meeter Center] as they explore how pastors interpreted scripture and preached to their congregations. Video | February 10, 2023 Welcoming All Bodies and Abilities into Worship and the Life of the Church This session explores a biblical view of disability and practical ways of including people with disabilities in every aspect of the church for the flourishing of the entire worshiping community. Video | February 10, 2023 The Fruit of the Spirit, Mental Health Crises, and Our Practices of Christian Worship In a world of anxiety, depression, and fatigue, how do we both explain and invite people into experiences of profound joy, peace, and gentleness? Where do our practices of worship—our preaching, singing, praying, and communing—contribute to our mental health crises? How might these very practices become means of grace that bring healing and hope? And how might this be true for people in very different generational contexts? Video | February 09, 2023 Engaging in Communal Worship: Psalms and Psalm-singing This third session is part of “Experiencing the Contours of Early Modern Worship,” a series of five linked sessions bringing participants into the world of Reformation Europe. What was it like to attend worship in Wittenberg in 1530, Geneva in 1550, London in 1570, or Venice in 1590? When people in different confessional contexts joined in worship and participated in the sacrament in this period, what differences and similarities were there? Join Yudha Thianto [Calvin Theological Seminary] and Karin Maag [Meeter Center] in an encounter with the theory and practice of congregational song in the Reformation era with a particular focus on psalm-singing. Video | February 09, 2023 Worship Service: Christ in All Things A worship service based on Colossians 1:15-23. The service is led by Najla Kassab preaching; James Abbington; Brandon A. Boyd; a choir from Calvin Christian High School in Grandville, Michigan, directed by Karel deWaal Malefyt; and a choir from Western Michigan Christian High School in Muskegon, Michigan, directed by Kathryn Becksvoort. Worship Service | February 09, 2023 Worship Service: Rooted in Christ A worship service based on Colossians 2:6-15. The service is led by Marshall E. Hatch, preaching; Nate Glasper; Lisa Sung; and the Calvin University Gospel Choir. Worship Service | February 09, 2023 Experiencing Early Modern Worship This first session is part of “Experiencing the Contours of Early Modern Worship,” a series of five linked sessions bringing participants into the world of Reformation Europe. What was it like to attend worship in Wittenberg in 1530, Geneva in 1550, London in 1570, or Venice in 1590? When people in different confessional contexts joined in worship and participated in the sacraments in this period, what differences and similarities were there? Join Meeter Center Director Karin Maag in an exploration of congregational worship in early modern Europe from the perspectives of both the clergy and the worshiping community. Video | February 08, 2023 Preaching as a Communal Practice It is tempting to think of sermons as a solo “performance”—something a preacher prepares in isolation. What if we changed our vision to think of preaching as a communal activity from start to finish? How does a congregation shape a sermon as it is being preached? How can preachers intentionally engage the congregation as they prepare sermons and when they discuss or reflect on sermons after worship? We’ll discuss proven practices and try to imagine some new possibilities too. Video | February 08, 2023 Joining the Community of Worship: Baptism This second session is part of “Experiencing the Contours of Early Modern Worship,” a series of five linked sessions bringing current-day participants into the world of Reformation Europe. What was it like to attend worship in Wittenberg in 1530, Geneva in 1550, London in 1570, or Venice in 1590? When people in different confessional contexts joined in worship and participated in the sacraments in this period, what differences and similarities were there? Join Lyle Bierma [professor emeritus of church history, Calvin Theological Seminary] and Karin Maag [Meeter Center] as they present John Calvin's theology of baptism and the practice of this sacrament more widely across the Reformation era. Video | February 08, 2023 Worship Service: Growing in Grace and Knowledge A worship service based on Colossians 1:1-14. The service is led by Scott Hoezee, preaching; Karen Campbell; and members of the Calvin University community. Worship Service | February 08, 2023 Intergenerational Worship in Global Contexts Psalm 148 describes a compelling vision of “young and old together” in worship. In every cultural context, there are unique challenges and opportunities in realizing this vision. Come learn from leaders from four continents about how each generation is invited to participate and contribute to worship—and what barriers, challenges, and changes they are experiencing in their contexts. Come away with new questions to ask about your context—and cross-cultural wisdom to share. Video | February 08, 2023 Inclusion and Universal Design for Worship Corporate, intergenerational worship can be designed from the start to include people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities, gifts and limitations. Article | December 16, 2022 Katie Ritsema-Roelofs on Intentional Work for Intergenerational Worship and Community In this episode, worship planner and musician Katie Ritsema-Roelofs shares about the importance of thoughtful and intentional ways the whole congregation can join in the formational work of intergenerational, corporate worship. Audio | Podcast | December 05, 2022 First Round of Vital Worship Grants awarded for 2023 by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship has announced 15 projects for funding in this first round of grants awarded for 2023-2024, 11 in the Teacher-Scholar stream of Grants and 4 in the Worshiping Communities stream of grants. News Item | November 30, 2022 La Verne Tolbert on the Vital Role of Parents and the Church in Raising Children in the Faith In this episode, Christian educator Dr. La Verne Tolbert shares her hopes and desires for renewed connections between parents and the church in the formative work of raising children in the faith and including children in the worship life of the church. Audio | Podcast | November 29, 2022 Witnessing to the God of Life: Reformation Sunday Worship Service The World Communion of Reformed Churches in partnership with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship leads the annual Reformation Day global worship service in Rome, Italy. Worship Service | November 28, 2022 Developing Leaders Every Pastor Wants in the Congregation Calvin University’s Ministry Leadership Cohort offers pathways for students of all majors who want to live out their faith in all of life. This practical program helps them learn how to build community, love the church, and practice leadership no matter where they eventually work, worship, and serve. Feature Story | November 28, 2022 « Previous 3 4 5 6 7 ... Next »