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Reflection | July 18, 2013 Coop's Column - Generous Humility and Compassion: A Servant Spirit In this series of meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit, we are considering features the English Puritan Christians said are Spirit-prompted and Spirit-endowed and which more and more ought to mark the lives of those who aim to follow Jesus faithfully. Christians who do display these qualities are LUI— Living Under the Influence of the Spirit. In this article we consider the sixth of these marks: “Generous humility and compassion—a servant spirit.” Reflection | July 12, 2013 Coop's Column - Self-Searching and Self-Denial: A Servant Spirit In this series of meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives, we are considering seven features about Christians which the English Puritan Christians said are Spirit-prompted and Spirit-endowed and which ought to mark the lives of those who aim to follow Jesus faithfully. Christians who do display these qualities are LUI, Living Under the Influence of the Spirit. This week we consider the fifth of these marks: “Strong self-searching and self-denial, a servant spirit.” Reflection | June 24, 2013 Coop's Column - Longing to Delight and Honor God In these meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives, we are considering seven features about Christians which the English Puritan Christians said are Spirit-prompted and Spirit-endowed and which ought to mark the lives of those who aim to follow Jesus faithfully. Christians who do display these qualities are LUI, Living Under the Influence of the Spirit. This week we consider the fourth of these marks: “Deep Longing to Delight and Honor God.” Reflection | June 17, 2013 Coop's Column - Worshipful Intimacy with Jesus Christ In this series of meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives, we are considering seven features about Christians which, said the English Puritan Christians, are Spirit-prompted and Spirit-endowed and which ought to mark the lives of those who aim to follow Jesus faithfully. Reflection | June 10, 2013 Coop's Column - Eager desire to trust and obey the Bible, God’s Spirit-inspired Word In this series of meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives, we are considering seven features about Christians which English Puritan Christians said are Spirit-prompted and Spirit-endowed and which ought to mark the lives of those who aim to follow Jesus faithfully. Reflection | June 03, 2013 Coop's Column - Vivid Awareness of the Greatness and Goodness of God This week and in the weeks following we’ll focus on seven Christian character qualities, each of which the 17th-18th century English Puritan Christians claimed is Spirit-endowed and ought to mark faithful followers of Jesus. Serious Christians, said these Puritans, measure their spiritual progress by them. The first of these marks: “Vivid Awareness of the Greatness and Goodness of God.” Reflection | May 29, 2013 Coop's Column - God present and active Pentecost is a day for the church to loudly sings its thanks and praise. Reflection | May 16, 2013 Coop's Column- Risen With Jesus Jesus' triumph over the grave has enduring impact. The fact of his having arisen involves our rising with him to new life. His living presence now indwells us. Thus, to remember him today is to know him as fully alive. Reflection | April 05, 2013 Coop's Column - Risen Indeed "All suffering, trouble, and despair are now taken away, because of Jesus’ great love for me when he took up his cross, went to Calvary, and rose again on Easter." Reflection | March 29, 2013 Coop's Column - Jesus Condemned and Crucified Ibis ad crucem! You shall go to the cross! With these three words Pilate condemned Jesus to die by crucifixion. In this Lenten series we have been paying visits to several places where Jesus stopped as he with his disciples made his final journey to Jerusalem to die. Reflection | March 25, 2013 Coop's Column - The Lord's Example, the Teacher's Command Maundy Thursday. The name comes from the Latin, novum mandatum or “new commandment” and recalls the event of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. Reflection | March 25, 2013 Coop's Column - Royally Welcomed It’s Passover festival in Jerusalem, the holiest season in the Jewish year. Thousands upon thousands of Jewish pilgrims have been travelling toward the Holy City to remember and celebrate God’s rescue of his people from long and heavy bondage in Egypt. As Jesus enters Jerusalem riding upon that lowly donkey, the mood of the thronging multitude turns deliriously jubilant. The people walk beside him as he rides, and laud him loudly as “King of the Jews.” Reflection | March 21, 2013 Coop's Column - A Beautiful Gesture, A Fragrant Gift In these Lenten meditations we have been paying a visit each week to a place where Jesus stopped as he with the disciples made his final journey toward Jerusalem. Our aim in doing this is to be attentive to our Savior as he makes his way toward his God-appointed destiny with suffering and death on the Cross for us. As his church, the Body he so much loves, we want to be present to him in his sufferings, and to show our love for him. We long to be close to Christ, for we cannot get enough of his presence. Reflection | March 19, 2013 Coop's Column - Will You Go With Him? Jesus never hid his scars to win a disciple, nor lured anyone into following him by promising an immediate jackpot of blessings. On the contrary, he was forthright in declaring that to follow him would cost a person dearly. Jesus told his disciples that if to carry out his Father’s will was going to end up costing him not less than everything, it would cost them dearly too. Reflection | March 11, 2013 Coop's Column - Unswervingly Resolute During each remaining week of Lent, we shall visit a place where Jesus stopped as he with his disciples made his final journey toward Jerusalem. We’ll note the people he met there, the words he spoke to them, and the decisions he made in order to be ready to take on the excruciating task which lay before him—to endure unspeakable humiliation and torture, and then at the end to die on a cross. Our only purpose in retracing the steps of his journey: to attend carefully to what our Lord did for us, and in response to offer him our adoration and worship. Reflection | March 04, 2013 Coop's Column - As Alert As Possible Lent is a six-week season in the Christian year that starts with Ash Wednesday, reaches peak intensity and agony on Good Friday and finishes with a crescendo of joy and triumph at Easter. Reflection | February 15, 2013 Coop's Column- Waiting According to His Promise The entire Biblical story breathes future. Scripture discloses a God who is unstoppably on the move toward establishing a kingdom that is breath-takingly beyond all human imagining. But how do we "wait" properly? Reflection | December 17, 2012 Coop's Column - A Thankful People Because life is a sheer gift from God, one we never deserved. The appropriate response, therefore, is to do two things: to take delight in the gift, to revel in and to savor it; and then, in response to bless the Giver with lavish thanks. Reflection | November 19, 2012 Navajo People - Prayer Requests Praying for the Navajo people is a tricky thing. It is so easy to focus on, and become overwhelmed by, our needs. Article | Reflection | September 20, 2012 « Previous 3 4 5 6 7 ... Next »