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Day1 features an extensive library of lectionary-based sermons in text and audio, video resources, and helpful blog posts, along with other helpful information for lay persons and pastors.

Day1 is the voice of the mainline Protestant churches, presenting outstanding preachers from the mainline Protestant denominations, including the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, and others. Their website features an extensive library of lectionary-based sermons in text and audio, video resources, and helpful blog posts, along with other helpful information for lay persons and pastors.

Day1 began broadcasting in 1945 as "The Protestant Hour" and has been on the air every week since, currently on more than 200 stations. Day1 is a ministry of the Alliance for Christian Media, a nonprofit mainline media ministry based in Atlanta, GA. The Alliance was created after the merger of The Protestant Hour, Inc. and the Episcopal Media Center, which was founded in 1945 and originally called The Episcopal Radio and TV Foundation. The Alliance for Christian Media has been instrumental in producing Emmy-winning TV programming such as "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" and "Shadowlands."