Sunday Morning Live

High school teens want their Sunday morning worship to be genuine, enthusiastic, lively, and, most of all, God-glorifying. Building on those expectations this book teaches teens the principles of worship in the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition, offering hands-on, experiential learning that keeps students involved, with multisensory content that's been field-tested with a real youth group.

Mary Sytsma
Faith Alive, 2003
Worship for All Ages and Abilities, Prayer, Devotions, and Study

Like most of us, high school teens want their Sunday morning worship to be genuine, enthusiastic, lively, and—most of all—God-glorifying.  Sunday Morning Live builds on those expectations while at the same time teaching teens the principles of worship in the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition.  In six sessions, it offers hands-on, experiential learning that keeps students involved, with multisensory content that's been field-tested with a real youth group.

- Will You Come When You're Called (Call to Worship)
- Right with God (Confession and Assurance)
- Hearing the Word (Scripture, Sermon and Response)
- Washed and Fed (Sacraments of Baptism and Communion)
- Blessed to Be a Blessing (Sending)
- optional extra sessions for planning & leading a worship service as well as an outline for a retreat centered on worship

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